Jiu-Jitsu and Other Methods of Self Defense by Percy Longhurst.


I am proud to announce that, in conjunction with Dr. Milo Thurston and the Linacre School of Defense (www.sirwilliamhope.org), I have republished Jiu-Jitsu and Other Methods of Self Defense by Percy Longhurst.

The PDF download is, as always, free.

An early promoter of Japanese “Jiu-Jitsu” in the first decade of the 20th Century in England, Percy Longhurst studied under both Yukio Tani and Sadakazu Uyenishi. He was familiar with, and possibly studied Bartitsu under Barton-Wright, and la Canne stick-fighting under Pierre Vigny.

A prolific writer, and accomplished amateur athlete, Longhurst quickly turned his skills to Self Defense and the “new,” mysterious, and glamorous foreign martial art of Jiu-Jitsu.

In 1906 he published the first edition of what was to become a celebrated and frequently reprinted manual: Jiu-Jitsu and Other Methods of Self Defense.

Combining both western wrestling and self-defense methods with Japanese, Longhurst's manual was groundbreaking. Another innovation of this manual is a section specifically intended for ladies. This book is so dense with material, yet so easily understood and well put together, that it was revised and reprinted for decades, at least until the early 1950's, and at least 11 editions.

This is one of the most important of the early western self defense manuals due not only to its heavy emphasis on Jiu-Jitsu but its combination with other western methods. It's sure to please western martial artist and early Jiu-Jitsu researchers alike.

Peace favor your sword,
My pleasure.

I'm trying to decide what to start on next. The top contenders are Squad Instructions for Broadsword and Sandow & Lewis' "Wrestling."

Peace favor your sword,

That first one sounds awesome 2nd one as well but I have recently re read J. Christoph Amberger's The Secret History of the Sword- Adventures in Western martial Arts again for probably the 30th time.
Reading all the Sharpe's novels helps that as well, makes you want a 1796 Heavy Calvery Saber to play with.

I love researching western martial arts of the past.
That first one sounds awesome 2nd one as well but I have recently re read J. Christoph Amberger's The Secret History of the Sword- Adventures in Western martial Arts again for probably the 30th time.
Reading all the Sharpe's novels helps that as well, makes you want a 1796 Heavy Calvery Saber to play with.

I love researching western martial arts of the past.
Well, it's official. Broadsword won the popularity contest so I'm starting the repub project today. Should be fairly quick. ~42 (small) pages of text and 10 illustrations.

Peace favor your sword,

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