Now why do you think you get to talk about this to a stranger?


Sr. Grandmaster
Dec 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Pain
Here is what happened:
Sometime in early January a survey/article about strong women, leadership role models included a link to the Texas lawmaker lady who filibustered for 13 hours, disregarding her own health, in order to prevent sneaky backdoor legislation being passed.
Subject: 'Abortion' (you will remember, we talked about it, I am sure)

Which lead to the claim that the Girl Scouts (GSUSA) support planned parenthood and abortion - which they don't.

Now fast forward, to some time in February:
A friend of mine takes her girls door to door. Somebody tells them 'no, because the GS support abortion'
Uh...I suppose I should mention that her daughters are 6 and 10....

last Monday we had our regular meeting. I forgot how we got to talking about it, but one of my cadets tells me somebody told her that at Walmart as we were selling cookies.

of course, we had an impromptu talk about that, as that is something that needs to be addressed.

But why do people think they are entitled to bring a topic like this up to minors they do not know?
My girl is 14, and pretty nonchalant about things...but elementary school kids?

Speaking to the girls, they should just say 'no thanks'
If they indeed have to voice their reasons, they should approach an adult, better yet write a letter to headquarters!

I was just speechless when I heard that the first time around, rather upset when it happened a second time.
Same reason I am naked when a person knocks on my door selling stuff I suppose.

Going door to door is going to be tough. Because you are encroaching on their space and by definition working by their rules of proprietary.
Same reason I am naked when a person knocks on my door selling stuff I suppose.

Going door to door is going to be tough. Because you are encroaching on their space and by definition working by their rules of proprietary.

You answer the door naked when a kinder gardener knocks, I think you will have to answer to a higher authority! :D

I mean I can appreciate the difference in opinion, but you don't talk to the kids, you take it up with an adult.
For starters, they were misinformed, and then of course, that's not a topic I normally talk about with any of the scouts (even the 16/17 yo, I mean.) It's not what we do. It's the parent's job first and foremost. Not a complete stranger off the street! Even if you knock on the door.
You answer the door naked when a kinder gardener knocks, I think you will have to answer to a higher authority! :D

I mean I can appreciate the difference in opinion, but you don't talk to the kids, you take it up with an adult.
For starters, they were misinformed, and then of course, that's not a topic I normally talk about with any of the scouts (even the 16/17 yo, I mean.) It's not what we do. It's the parent's job first and foremost. Not a complete stranger off the street! Even if you knock on the door.

It is not a comment off the street it is on the threshold of someone else's home.

You can be misinformed in your own home if you want you can even be inapropriate.

Honestly I don't think it is appropriate to knock on my door and sell me stuff in the first place. But I do night shift and so am biased.
It is not a comment off the street it is on the threshold of someone else's home.

You can be misinformed in your own home if you want you can even be inapropriate.

Honestly I don't think it is appropriate to knock on my door and sell me stuff in the first place. But I do night shift and so am biased.

Somebody knocks on your door you can still have a) manners, b) tact and politely say 'I don't want any' instead of talking about things that are over the head of young kids, and frankly not your business to talk about to children that aren't yours. (and you open the door naked, I think you pretty much crossed that thresh hold...but that was not the point, although, it could have been)
The second incident BTW happened at a store that graciously allows the girls to set up shop there.

As far as the shift thing, I get it. But unless you put up signs, I don't think you can get mad at people knocking on your door during 'normal' hours. (would you flash the mail man if they knocked on your door with a package?)
Somebody knocks on your door you can still have a) manners, b) tact and politely say 'I don't want any' instead of talking about things that are over the head of young kids, and frankly not your business to talk about to children that aren't yours. (and you open the door naked, I think you pretty much crossed that thresh hold...but that was not the point, although, it could have been)
The second incident BTW happened at a store that graciously allows the girls to set up shop there.

As far as the shift thing, I get it. But unless you put up signs, I don't think you can get mad at people knocking on your door during 'normal' hours. (would you flash the mail man if they knocked on your door with a package?)

Shared public space. Yes there should be an expectation about behaviour.

A persons home not so much. What a person talks about in their own home is their buisness. Some peoples homes and conversations are not appropriate for children. And children should not be brought to those homes.

That is why people have homes. So that they can create a personal space.

Why is the onus on me to ajust my personal space to acomidate the whims of complete strangers who see my house and just thought they would drop by and sell some sort of point.
But according to you abortions are your god given right why would you be ashamed to have your girls hear the word?
But according to you abortions are your god given right why would you be ashamed to have your girls hear the word?

I did not birth them.
They are my scouts.
They are very young.

believe it or not, I do have a rather conservative stance on what one talks about in public.
And a few things in life you do not talk about with children who are not yours!

I have strong opinions on the matter.
but I check them at the door, because it's not the right place, nor appropriate audience.

But I suppose because of my stance on the matter, it is ok for strangers to subject my girls to this?
BTW the other lady is likely not in favor of abortion, and still she was upset when a complete stranger was bringing this up in front of her 6 year old child.
I did not birth them.
They are my scouts.
They are very young.

believe it or not, I do have a rather conservative stance on what one talks about in public.
And a few things in life you do not talk about with children who are not yours!

I have strong opinions on the matter.
but I check them at the door, because it's not the right place, nor appropriate audience.

But I suppose because of my stance on the matter, it is ok for strangers to subject my girls to this?
BTW the other lady is likely not in favor of abortion, and still she was upset when a complete stranger was bringing this up in front of her 6 year old child.

But its no big deal to you remember they are not even alive so I don't get why your so upset. Its just a glob of cells.

I had a pro death person tell my kids people like me are why they support abortions. All I was doing was wearing a McCain hat. So it is what it is. I don't really see "I'm not supporting your cause because of your stance on abortions" and then walking away as a big deal. If you support abortions guess you shouldn't be so offended by the word
But its no big deal to you remember they are not even alive so I don't get why your so upset. Its just a glob of cells.
not the topic

I had a pro death person tell my kids people like me are why they support abortions. All I was doing was wearing a McCain hat. So it is what it is. I don't really see "I'm not supporting your cause because of your stance on abortions" and then walking away as a big deal. If you support abortions guess you shouldn't be so offended by the word

Pro death person?

My stance on whatever is really not material as I don't wear hats.
So did you think it was ok for this person to talk to your child like this?
I don't.

I see where common courtesy has gone by way of the Dodo bird...but at one point, considering all the hoopla about how children can't think for them selves and need to be legislated into stupidity mindset, I figured adults would know enough to not address first graders, heck, not even teenagers with this kind of stuff.
remember: up to the age of 16 they are not supposed to know there are 2 kinds of people in the world!

For starters, the girls don't make policy.
and, well, considering the area, I doubt many had the Birds and Butterfly talk yet...
So again, as a total stranger, where do you see that you are entitled to talk to somebody else's child about this topic?

(BTW, that lovely person who addressed your son, I would have told him/her that people like that would make me considering changing my stance...but I suppose your cop training prevented you from that?)
I don't see a problem. The girls were selling cookies as reps of their troop and GSA in general. The customer in either case declined to support them and gave their reason. They didn't discuss abortion or sex. What they did was no different than if they said no because not enough goes to the troop. The leaders should have given them some prep for such a comment, even if it was just "my leaders will be happy to talk to you about that but we cant ".

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not the topic
sure it is. If its no big deal to you why would someone saying abortion offend you?
Pro death person?
Yes pro killing helpless babies pro death.
My stance on what r is really not material as I don't wear hats.
So did you think it was ok for this person to talk to your child like this?
I don't.
I asked him if he had the b@lls to say that to me or just little kids. He laughed as he walked away quickly to rejoin his friends
I see where common courtesy has gone by way of the Dodo bird...but at one point, considering all the hoopla about how children can't think for them selves and need to be legislated into stupidity mindset, I figured adults would know enough to not address first graders, heck, not even teenagers with this kind of stuff.
remember: up to the age of 16 they are not supposed to know there are 2 kinds of people in the world!
Well then the girl scouts should remain netural on all hot button topics if they dont want backlash
For starters, the girls don't make policy.
and, well, considering the area, I doubt many had the Birds and Butterfly talk yet...
So again, as a total stranger, where do you see that you are entitled to talk to somebody else's child about this topic?

I don't make any laws or policy but cops always bear the brunt. It is what it is. Life's not fair
(BTW, that lovely person who addressed your son, I would have told him/her that people like that would make me considering changing my stance...but I suppose your cop training prevented you from that?)

IVe heard way worse so it didnt phase me really
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[h=2]preg·nant[/h][SUP]1 [/SUP] [preg-nuhnt]

adjective 1. having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal.

No one has ever been pregnant with a cat, or a remote control, pregnant means ONE thing and ONE thing only. Abortion, the termination of pregnancy, also only means ONE thing. That is, if you are ending a pregnancy, you are killing the child before it is born, i.e., pro abortion is pro death.
Your supposedly heroic Wendy Davis is such a great role model for women...
She married a guy, got him to pay her way through college, divorced him and left him with their child AND THE CHILD SHE HAD BEFORE SHE MARRIED HIM. She didn't abort her kids, she just abandoned them. Hero isn't a word to use for her, gold digger is an accurate term as is child abandoning *****. Her career aspirations were more important to her than raising her children... wow, heroic...


[SUP]1 [/SUP] [preg-nuhnt]

adjective 1. having a child or other offspring developing in the body; with child or young, as a woman or female mammal.

No one has ever been pregnant with a cat, or a remote control, pregnant means ONE thing and ONE thing only. Abortion, the termination of pregnancy, also only means ONE thing. That is, if you are ending a pregnancy, you are killing the child before it is born, i.e., pro abortion is pro death.
Your supposedly heroic Wendy Davis is such a great role model for women...
She married a guy, got him to pay her way through college, divorced him and left him with their child AND THE CHILD SHE HAD BEFORE SHE MARRIED HIM. She didn't abort her kids, she just abandoned them. Hero isn't a word to use for her, gold digger is an accurate term as is child abandoning *****. Her career aspirations were more important to her than raising her children... wow, heroic...

Ok....aside from the little fact that this is not even near the topic....

I think it is amazing that you are so sure that it is abandonment.
It's not like men never abandon their offspring. Ever.

Since we are off the reservation anyhow, I think we ca trail down this road a little further.

Not much has changed, has it.

No, wait...

There was a time when people did not feel entitled to force their opinions on children that were not their own, and politely take up issues with a fellow adult....
Silly me. :)

However, for all you gents who love to harp on 'constitution' and the like, you should tip your hat to this lady.
yeah, I know, you have the battle she picked to fight.
But on the off chance you can separate the issue, she stood up against the good ole boys, when they tryed to push a law through they were unable to get passed in regular session, and then still had to resort to under handed lies and untruth in the hope to sneak it in.
Had it been one of your topics, you would be singing a different tune!
There was a time when people did not feel entitled to force their opinions on children that were not their own, and politely take up issues with a fellow adult....
Silly me. :)
Nobody forced their opinion on any kids. At least not from the story you gave. They said no to buying cookies and said they didn't like GSA position on abortion. That's it. That's not forcing any opinions.
Ok....aside from the little fact that this is not even near the topic....
Sometime in early January a survey/article about strong women, leadership role models included a link to the Texas lawmaker lady who filibustered for 13 hours, disregarding her own health, in order to prevent sneaky backdoor legislation being passed.
Ok....aside from the little fact that this is not even near the topic....
Not near the topic? I thought your attempted canonization of the Gold digging child abandoning witch with a b was part of the topic....
I think it is amazing that you are so sure that it is abandonment.
It's not like men never abandon their offspring. Ever.
Some men do, and all are soundly condemned for it, but, the dirty little secret is WOMEN ABANDON CHILDREN TOO, yet, men don't get called "Courageous" for abandoning their children...

Since we are off the reservation anyhow, I think we ca trail down this road a little further.
I wasn't calling her a B it ch because she's assertive, but, because she got a guy to pay for her schooling and as soon as she was done, left him with both of the kids she had borne, including one that wasn't his, to pursue her career. Pink shoes don't make that OK.
Not much has changed, has it.

No, wait...

There was a time when people did not feel entitled to force their opinions on children that were not their own, and politely take up issues with a fellow adult....
Silly me. :)
What are you drunk?
However, for all you gents who love to harp on 'constitution' and the like, you should tip your hat to this lady.
yeah, I know, you have the battle she picked to fight.
Sorry, exactly what part of the constitution has she shown laudable devotion to?
But on the off chance you can separate the issue, she stood up against the good ole boys, when they tryed to push a law through they were unable to get passed in regular session, and then still had to resort to under handed lies and untruth in the hope to sneak it in.
Had it been one of your topics, you would be singing a different tune!
Nobody forced their opinion on any kids. At least not from the story you gave. They said no to buying cookies and said they didn't like GSA position on abortion. That's it. That's not forcing any opinions.
Come on Ballen, don't you know that is almost as wrong as eating at Chick fil A?
you monster!
I have to ask, why are sexual issues even a policy in the scouts? I don't think abortion is something that 9 year old Jane should have to deal with at this time in her life. She is there to have a fun scouting experience. And then there is 10 year old Scotty who should be worried if the other 10 year old in his tent is gay and going to do things to his body while he is sleeping? Why is this even a subject matter? This is obviously an adult agenda.
I have to ask, why are sexual issues even a policy in the scouts? I don't think abortion is something that 9 year old Jane should have to deal with at this time in her life. She is there to have a fun scouting experience. And then there is 10 year old Scotty who should be worried if the other 10 year old in his tent is gay and going to do things to his body while he is sleeping? Why is this even a subject matter? This is obviously an adult agenda.

Would you have not been a little peeved if a adult walked into a tent you were in and touched you up, irrespective of gender or sexuality? Why would that differ from a child. Or am I missing something here.
Would you have not been a little peeved if a adult walked into a tent you were in and touched you up, irrespective of gender or sexuality? Why would that differ from a child. Or am I missing something here.

Yes I think you are missing something. I will try to explain better when I have more time.