It has been going on for, roughly, 2000 years, give or take and is an inevitable consequence of denying men, in positions of social authority, the normal expression of their sexual needs.
I do not believe that celibacy is the root cause of child molestation. As history has shown us, Catholic priests have broken their oaths of celibacy in a variety of ways, including taking lovers (male or female, depending upon their sexual orientation), fathering children, even marrying. Many are the priests who have found the rules of celibacy unbearable who have simply left the priesthood. Celibacy, common sense might suggest, would tend to cause a man with normal sexual desires to desire that expression, rather than turning it into an unhealthy and illegal desire for children.
Given also that child molestation seems to be an epidemic in every organization, religious or secular, in which adults are put into positions of trust over young children, I think it is entirely reasonable to suggest that people with such twisted proclivities tend to seek out such positions. Rather than the institution, it is the individuals themselves who seek to put themselves in situations where they will become a trusted authority figure over children.
While I scan the headline news every day for anything interesting about the martial arts and post some of those things here, I do not post all the news links I find to cases of martial arts instructors being arrested and accused of molesting their students. However, I can assure you that it is a near-daily occurrence. What do we make of this? Shall we put the blame on a martial arts system that tends to place authority in the hands of a sensei, sifu, or other instructor, who then becomes an authority figure not just due to their position as instructor, but due also to their demonstrated male dominance?
I would argue that martial arts is not to blame, nor are youth sports, public and private school teachers, athletic coaching, military officers and non-commissioned officers, and all the other situations in which adults who hold positions of authority over young people sometimes abuse those positions to prey upon children or the very young. It is the abusers themselves that are to blame, and they evidently will seek out such positions regardless of where they may be found.
It is not priestly celibacy which is to blame, but the abusers themselves.
However, the Catholic Church is an institution which has managed to isolate itself from scrutiny from the secular world; and it is monolithic. Whereas no karate association or teachers union would shield a molesting teacher or sensei, the Catholic Church has not only had the ability to do so, but has indeed done so on numerous occasions. This is both reprehensible and illegal, and should be both investigated and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
As a Catholic, I would not be angered or upset if the FBI were to launch a RICO investigation into the cover-ups, and prosecuted those responsible for such behavior.
Sadly, I do not think this will happen. Whether we like it or not, Catholics wield much political power, and the public outcry would be huge. Worse than the HCR fights.
For those Catholics here, just imagine how you would be reacting if it was another faith in the headlines.
It has been, and I am just as horrified. There are a number of reasons why we hear more about abuses in the Catholic Church. One can argue media bias against Catholics, but whether true or not, the Catholic Church is much larger than any other single religious organization and it is hierarchical. One hears of a Baptist minister being arrested, or an Anglican, and one does not know which group in particular they are associated with. When one hears 'Catholic', with very few exceptions, the buck stops with the Pope in Rome.
Just because it's the Catholic (or any other) Church doesn't make a ha'poth of difference and indeed makes it much worse because they have trumpeted themselves as the arbiters of all that is good and moral.
Yes, that is entirely true. It does make it worse.