For the most part I've gotten pretty good at letting Other People's Drama wash over me. I have good boundaries, and I tend to have a good feel for where other people's problems end and mine begin.
But I still have my own buttons. One of my coworkers has been giving me the icy silent treatment for two days now - she told another coworker that she was upset because her ex had died (I can see how that would have been my fault. :uhohh
I gave her a wide berth today (who needs to be around that!) to find later that she had ripped all her personal effects out of her desk in a fit and bitten the heads off everyone who offered her condolences. Tonight I'm going to try some compassion meditation on her behalf in order to prevent myself from rising to her her behavioral level. I know this isn't who she is. I also know I don't have to respond in kind or take it personally.
What can I say? I'm still human. I've come a long way in identifying where my buttons are, and she's stomping a few this week. It behooves us all as warriors to understand ourselves and keep our emotions in check. I think this falls under the same category of staying cool under pressure - my "adversary" may not be lurking in the bushes with a knife, but it's still important to keep a sense of perspective and de-escalate. What tools do others here use at times like these?
But I still have my own buttons. One of my coworkers has been giving me the icy silent treatment for two days now - she told another coworker that she was upset because her ex had died (I can see how that would have been my fault. :uhohh

What can I say? I'm still human. I've come a long way in identifying where my buttons are, and she's stomping a few this week. It behooves us all as warriors to understand ourselves and keep our emotions in check. I think this falls under the same category of staying cool under pressure - my "adversary" may not be lurking in the bushes with a knife, but it's still important to keep a sense of perspective and de-escalate. What tools do others here use at times like these?