Unfortunately I have had 2 instances where training took over and reflex beat thought off of the line. The last one was about 10 years ago and wound up with me (6'0" 260 lbs with 25+ yrs of training at the time) dodging and planting a straight right in the face of a high school girl who was working for me. (17 years old 5'6" maybe 115lbs......in pigtails.)
She cracked a joke and then started dancing around like a boxer. I knew she was playing around. But when she took a step forward, dropped her shoulder, twisted at the waist, and twitched her fist forward I smothered her hand and had my punch 2/3 of the way there before I rialized anything was happening. I can`t tell you the horror that goes through your head at a moment like that where you know you`re not gonna be able to stop in time.
I put the brakes on as fast as I could and relaxed my hand so it would collapse on impact, but when I hit her squre in the nose her little head snapped back and her eyes glazed over for a sec. I spent every other moment for a month appologizing. She laughed it off, but I felt so bad. I think it was the blonde pigtails. It felt like I was punching Heidi from the fairy tail.
Come on, we have all wanted to do this at some stage, she was so annoying!!