Not all bad guys are completely bad....


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Apr 12, 2004
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Inmates saved deputy's life during attack

The detention deputy was sitting at his desk when the inmate attacked. The deputy is 64; the inmate 40 years his junior.

Deputy Kenneth Moon had another disadvantage: He was the sole deputy in a jail pod that houses 62 inmates. The only nearby people who could help him were there because they have been charged with attempted murder, home invasion, drug dealing.

And yet they did.

The first one, Jerry Dieguez Jr., is in jail on an armed home invasion charge. When he saw inmate Douglas Burden put Moon in a chokehold, Dieguez didn't hesitate.

He ran behind the desk and landed a haymaker of a punch on Burden.
Inmates Hoang Vu and Terrell Carswell also provided backup. Vu is charged with attempted murder; Carswell with robbery, marijuana possession, cocaine trafficking and failure to register as a sex offender. He also has a charge of obstructing an officer.

While Dieguez, Vu and Carswell kept Burden off the deputy, another inmate came charging over.

David Schofield, who's in jail on aggravated assault and battery charges, reached over to the deputy, took his radio and called for help.

The inmates are credited with saving their jailer's life.


Deputy Anthony Brown works in the unit and knows Moon and many of the inmates. He said the inmates' actions showed there is more to their character than the crimes they are charged with.

"You would think that they would walk away, so somewhere in their hearts, there must be some goodness,'' Brown said


Moon, a 22-year veteran, is home recuperating from his wounds.
That is definitely going to look good on a parole board hearing.
Interesting how this story contrasts to the recent news of the young woman who was gang-raped whilst passersby stopped to watch.
To be honest this story is more common then you think, it's just this time it was caught on tape.

I worked in a jail for over 6 yrs before going over to the LE side. Our set up is 56 inmates per CO. If you were firm, fair and consistant with how you treated the inmates they would help you out if you needed it. There were several times that other inmates would help me break things up or came to the aid of a CO.

Also, while in jail they still have the hope of beating their charges or are trying to get things reduced if they do go to prison.

But, some inmates just make really bad decisions when they are out due to drugs etc. yet when they are clean and sober you would never guess what they are in for.
Agreed that not all "bad guys" are all bad. Or better to say not all those in Jail are bad... just guys who screwed up and made a mistake and are paying for it. It happened to me ... young and stoopid and ended up in jail for 14 days until given probation and then released.
I'm not a bad guy... a good guy who made a bad mistake... and I think folks will find a majority are in jail under those circumstances. Not saying they don't deserve to be there, but saying that they did a crime under our present laws and thus have to pay the consequences. It wouldn't mean they're hardened criminals and you wouldn't want to have them babysit your kids.

There are bad eggs in prison and thankfully they'll stay there. There are still a lot of bad eggs outside the prison walls and they need to be rounded up.

Kudos to the prisoners who let their goodness act upon a bad scene. It would've looked bad if they all stood around and did nothing.
Agreed it'll help on their parole hearings.
Its nice to hear stories like this. I remember one block that I worked in, there were 2 guys, both in for murder. Yet out of the 51 inmates, it was these 2 that never gave me a hard time. Go figure.

Glad to hear that the officer will be ok. :)