nose hairs: pluck or trim?


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2008
Reaction score
hey all, which method do you prefer?

i usually pluck at random moments, usually in the car. then i get frustrated with a random one i can't get & break out the hair trimmer.

what about you?

sorry all, i've got my silly pants on! as well as about 4 long islands!

happy holidays! this forum rules!!!


*slumps over*

yeah, but if you pluck it takes longer to grow back. plus it's kind of satisfying in a strange way.

Dude, get some sleep...
Trim the finer hairs closer to the exterior of the nose, but pluck (huh? 'but pluck' sounds kind of funny. . .anyway) pluck the deeper thicker nose hairs the jump out and surprise you on the way to an important meeting and usually discovered in your cars rear view mirror. Some tearing will occur. By tearing I don't mean ripping in two but the 'process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes'*

* Verbiage from Wikpedia
....By tearing I don't mean ripping in two but the 'process of lacrimation to clean and lubricate the eyes'*

nice. the process of lacrimation to clean & lubricate the eyes often leaves me feeling lugubrious & doleful.

Pluck of course! To trim is effete, right along with using 'skin care' products without industrial need and dying grey hair in an attempt to look younger.
I used to pluck until I got an infected follicle. Now I trim.

The other option is to just let them grow and merge into a mustache ... :D
I used to pluck until I got an infected follicle. Now I trim.

The other option is to just let them grow and merge into a mustache ... :D

When I wore a mustache- thats what I did!

On another note, its sad for some of us loosing our hair- for it only to appear on our ears, nose, back and shoulders.
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When I wore a mustache- thats what I did!

On another note, its sad for some of us loosing our hair- for it inly to appear on our ears, nose, back and shoulders.

Too true :uhyeah:

I usually trim...but I'm man enough to pluck 'em out, too.
I'm a plucker.

How would Chuck do it?
Chuck Norris would look in the mirror and lift his chin to see into his nostrils then stare them all out til both were clean.

Alternate: Nosehairs don't DARE make their appearance in Norris' nostrils.

Yeah! Nasal Operations Pun Attack! :D. Ordinarily it get's up my nose :angel: when I'm out-punned but well done Crushing.

Yeah! Nasal Operations Pun Attack! :D. Ordinarily it get's up my nose :angel: when I'm out-punned but well done Crushing.

What do you do when your nose goes on strike?

But watch out for scabs.

Sorry, I got nothin'.