Non-Wing Chun


Green Belt
Aug 4, 2010
Reaction score
Questions for some of you non chunners out there. Why are you on this forum? Not meaning this is a rude way. Just a sincere question. While some of you seem to actually want to help the threads by giving a new insight from a different prospective. Some of you seem to just want to disrupt the discussion.
Questions for some of you non chunners out there. Why are you on this forum? Not meaning this is a rude way. Just a sincere question. While some of you seem to actually want to help the threads by giving a new insight from a different prospective. Some of you seem to just want to disrupt the discussion.
but there doesnt apear to be any discusion, just you waffling on

if all the non chunners l3ft youd be talking to yourself
@jobo that doesn't answer my question. A thread actually directed at you and you still manage to divert the subject. Why are you here on this forum.
@jobo that doesn't answer my question. A thread actually directed at you and you still manage to divert the subject. Why are you here on this forum.
well the simple answer is coz i want to

that generaly all the justification i need to to do anything i want to, as long as that stays with in the bounds of the law. obs

why are you here? does it have any deeper reason other than to provided me with mild amusment?
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Speaking just for myself, but that's just not how I read this forum. I always click on Active Topics, and then just read and respond to whatever strikes my fancy. I would say it is pretty common that I will have no idea what particular subforum a thread is in, unless it's salient to that thread or to my post.
well the simple answer is coz i want to

that generaly all the justification i need to to do anything i want to, as long as that stays with in the bounds of the law. obs

why are you here? does it have any deeper reason other than to provided me with mild amusment?
I'm here to talk with other WC people about WC.
I just don't understand being so bored in life that you best form of amusement comes from getting on a forum just to troll people with typos
Speaking just for myself, but that's just not how I read this forum. I always click on Active Topics, and then just read and respond to whatever strikes my fancy. I would say it is pretty common that I will have no idea what particular subforum a thread is in, unless it's salient to that thread or to my post.
I'm not saying that only WC should comment on the threads. What I'm annoyed with are the ones coming into threads with the general purpose to shut down the conversation. I love hearing opinions from other styles and thats part of what this forum is for!
I'm here to talk with other WC people about WC.
I just don't understand being so bored in life that you best form of amusement comes from getting on a forum just to troll people with typos
but there arnt any, at least not many not very often, so your unlikely to meet your goal, fortunately its still of some use

far be it from me to point out the logical contradiction in that im currently here because youve launch a thread aim specifically at me where you requesting replies.

hell its almost a discusion
but there arnt any, at least not many not very often, so your unlikely to meet your goal, fortunately its still of some use

far be it from me to point out the logical contradiction in that im currently here because youve launch a thread aim specifically at me where you requesting replies.

hell its almost a discusion

Because they got ran off. They got annoyed trying to have a conversation just for someone to butt in about how bad WC is and how were all wasting our time.
And i called you here to call you out. If you want to comment on this threads by all means do it. But actually put fourth an opinion or add something to the conversation. No one is interested in anyone's personal opinion
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Because they got ran off. They got annoyed trying to have a conversation just for someone to butt in about how bad WC is and how were all wasting our time.
And i called you hear to call you out. If you want to comment on this threads by all means do it. But actually put fourth an opinion or add something to the conversation. No one is interested in anyone's personal opinion
well they didnt get run off, theres lots of heated debate on the use or otherwise of all the arts, no one singled chunners out for special treatment, karate gets a hard time as well.

its just chunners seem very very prickly, and react badly to even very fair observations, its like they know the criticism is right and just dont want to here it
well they didnt get run off, theres lots of heated debate on the use or otherwise of all the arts, no one singled chunners out for special treatment, karate gets a hard time as well.

its just chunners seem very very prickly, and react badly to even very fair observations, its like they know the criticism is right and just dont want to here it
Go through the thread about maxiums and tell me how that was 'fair observation'.
You don't make observation or ask questions. You give your opinion that wc sucks. Okay got it. Heard you. Now ether contributed to the threads with legitimate insights or move on
Go through the thread about maxiums and tell me how that was 'fair observation'.
You don't make observation or ask questions. You give your opinion that wc sucks. Okay got it. Heard you. Now ether contributed to the threads with legitimate insights or move on
i never said wc sucks, and my insight is indeed legitimate, just as much as your is, as every bodies is, im not sure you can tell me where i can or cant post, so you carry on amusing me with your tiz and and il carry on commenting where and when i see fit
i never said wc sucks, and my insight is indeed legitimate, just as much as your is, as every bodies is, im not sure you can tell me where i can or cant post, so you carry on amusing me with your tiz and and il carry on commenting where and when i see fit
Ah you're right. It blows. And I'm sure you do have some very great insight on a lot of things. And no I can't keep you from posting. But the rules on the thread do clearly state not to troll or disrupt the thread. Which you do. All I'm asking is to post ONLY when you have something of meaning to say.
Go through the thread about maxiums and tell me how that was 'fair observation'.
You don't make observation or ask questions. You give your opinion that wc sucks. Okay got it. Heard you. Now ether contributed to the threads with legitimate insights or move on
I’ll make a suggestion, since the Ignore feature has come up in another thread or two recently.

Some people just want to get a rise out of others. If everybody were to stop interacting with them altogether, stop even acknowledging that they exist, and they can’t get a rise out of anyone, can’t even get anyone to respond to them in any way, they might eventually just go away.

It does take a group commitment, though. In the meantime, on an individual level, it still makes life better.
Ah you're right. It blows. And I'm sure you do have some very great insight on a lot of things. And no I can't keep you from posting. But the rules on the thread do clearly state not to troll or disrupt the thread. Which you do. All I'm asking is to post ONLY when you have something of meaning to say.
but yet you keep engaging me is conversation, that really odd for someone who doesnt want to hear what i have to say.

and now your asking, a few minetes ago your were telling me.

and the answer is the same, il post what and where i want, if you think im breaking the forum rules, report me, its of no concern to me either way,

ironicaly id left the thread , but you called me back, its like your festered over night, you need to grow a thicker skin or keep of forums
I’ll make a suggestion, since the Ignore feature has come up in another thread or two recently.

Some people just want to get a rise out of others. If everybody were to stop interacting with them altogether, stop even acknowledging that they exist, and they can’t get a rise out of anyone, can’t even get anyone to respond to them in any way, they might eventually just go away.

It does take a group commitment, though. In the meantime, on an individual level, it still makes life better.
And thats what I was hoping would happen. But then someone else gets on there and comments and it all blows up haha.
I’ll make a suggestion, since the Ignore feature has come up in another thread or two recently.

Some people just want to get a rise out of others. If everybody were to stop interacting with them altogether, stop even acknowledging that they exist, and they can’t get a rise out of anyone, can’t even get anyone to respond to them in any way, they might eventually just go away.

It does take a group commitment, though. In the meantime, on an individual level, it still makes life better.
your right i was thinking of putting him on ignore, but then who would i laugh at
but yet you keep engaging me is conversation, that really odd for someone who doesnt want to hear what i have to say.

and now your asking, a few minetes ago your were telling me.

and the answer is the same, il post what and where i want, if you think im breaking the forum rules, report me, its of no concern to me either way,

ironicaly id left the thread , but you called me back, its like your festered over night, you need to grow a thicker skin or keep of forums

I do want to hear from you. A lot of times a different opinion makes the thread better and steers it in a good direction. But more often then not youve just kill the discussion. And i have reported your replies on the last few threads.
No I'm not mad at all, just disappointed. It sucks that we have a platform here for people of different thoughts and training to come together and discuss and a few people can ruin it all. Im just disappointed in where this forum went. Use to be full of great things to read.
I'm not mad at you @jobo just trying to breathe some new life into a forum that's more of less dead. And to do that the problems need to be addressed.
And thats what I was hoping would happen. But then someone else gets on there and comments and it all blows up haha.
Coordinating the effort is the issue. And not everyone agrees that ignoring X is the best way to handle it. So therein lies the trouble.

I know that my experiences here have vastly improved once I put certain people on ignore. When it becomes clear that you just cannot have meaningful and positive interactions with certain people, then it’s time to stop all interaction with them.