1st off, there is a "conspiracy," if one wished to call it that. The fact is that the majority of people out there are non-smokers. There are enough of these people who are selfish enough to inflate statistics to serve their agenda of erradicating smoking from the planet. This issue is very politically driven, as politicians can be venerated by the public for "cracking down" on smokers, rather then questioned as to why they aren't doing more productive things. It's a non-issue that can distract voters from the real problems.
The only real reason why government websites and government sponsered organizations tout the "dangers" of second hand smoke is because it is
popular. And that is about the only reason, besides money interests and so forth.
I would like to refer you to a decent website that explains some if these things in laymens terms. We can start with statistics:
When they come up with these stats regarding second hand smoke, they use all sorts of biases to get the results that they are looking for. When they say "67,000 deaths occur from second hand smoke in a year," they are estimating these numbers by taking a sample size, finding out how many people died from "smoking related diseases" (heart problems, lung disease, etc.), find out how many of those people have been "around" SHS, and from that they determine what percentage people die from SHS. Then they multiply that number to fit the population.
The problem with this should be obvious to any logical person. Correlation does not equal causation. If I ate bananas the other day, and developed a foot fungus today, does that mean that bananas cause foot fungus? Even if I did a study by taking a sample of people who have foot fungus, find out how many of them ate bananas before the time of the fungus, and come up with a statistical correlation, would that then prove that foot fungus is caused by bananas?
Of course not. Yet, this is how the media will find junk science every week to back up why "broccoli could make your balls shrink....news at eleven!" You could make a correlation with just about anything.
And this is what they do to back up outragous claims against SHS. And people aren't realizing that correlation does not equal causation.
Why don't you read how the famous '93 EPA report that supposedly proved the health risks of SHS was conducted?
The studies to back up these claims are junk science, garbage studies. Plain and simple.
Studies by places like Oak Ridge National Labratories that actually hooked up monitors to people who live or work in "smokey" environments with a significant amount of SHS (bars, factories, etc.) demonstrate consistantly that if one were to work in such a place year round, the amount of SHS damage would equate to about 6 cigarrettes per year.
The fact is, unlike actual smoking which is a health hazard, second hand smoke in smokey environments are not direct enough to do any significant damage to ones health. Most of the smoke rises and disipates in the air, dispite maybe an unpleasent smell.
But, if you still can't wrap your head around this, then do the "name 3 test." If 67,000 people per year are dying from second hand smoke, that would equal over a 1/2 a million people who died from it in a decade. That is a lot of people. So, we should all be able to name at least 3 people who have died from SHS, right? I mean, we can name people who died from actual smoking based on causation and correlation, so how about SHS?
The fact is, you can't name 3 people where it is proven that the cause of death is second hand smoke. Again, cause, not correlation. Here is a nice article on the topic:
Yet, despite all this, we are ignoring one major fact that totally debunks any need for a government sponsered smoking ban. And that is that because smoking is relatively unpopular and not done by the majority, there are enough places to go where smoking is not allowed in the establishment if you don't want to be around it. Plain and simple. If you had a surgury or have allergies or what have you, and you are adversly affected by SHS, then you have only yourself to blame for that, in my opinion.
Personal choice is a factor here. It is both selfish and oppressive to want to take away peoples choices just because you find something unfavorable. If you can't see that not allowing a business owner decide what kind of workplace they want to have (smoking or non, etc.) is an infringment on freedom, then you don't know what it means to be free.
But, that is fine. Some of you who don't want to utilize critical thinking would rather believe the junk science because it supports your agenda. Well, then I can find a link to a website that "proves" that 9-11 was caused by remote control planes piloted by the Bush administration, too.
People will believe what they want to believe, no matter what is actually true, unfortunatily...