No sleeping this week


Senior Master
This week I been having sleep troubles, like last night I could not close my eyes till 6 am this morning, wife is too worried about me and I told her I am too aprehensive because the lack of training and perhaps in a week I will conduct a small self defense seminar in the dojo of my friend Daniel.

My mind is too bussy trying to recall all the self defense techs I want to teach and even I am quiet in bed my mind is in the dojan training.

Also this sunday I will get my second dan certification in dojang and haven't train a single day, I hope don't get a bad call from sambonim.

In my free time I ahbe been visiting my friends and some other dojos and chating with the profesors there.

Sorry to hear about your sleep troubles Manny. I'm sure your seminar will go well or you wouldn't have agreed to do it.

What works for me is either A, having no worries; B, Tylenol PM; or C a magnesium pill.
I had a similar time when my toe was broken in the ball of my foot. It helped me to go to the pool with friends (any lake or ocean would do as well). The water gave me good resistance but kept much weight off my foot, it was much fun with friends, and I spent some time doing all my forms and self-defense techs. in shoulder deep water. It wore me out enough to sleep well and I felt good that I had done some TKD without hurting my foot more.

If not that I suggest spending time involved in activities with kids. They love attention and their high energy will tire you eventually. They also make it almost impossible to think about anything else, which can be good.

Best wishes my friend. This too shall pass.

I hate it when the mind runs ammoc. Have it plenty of times myself.

Instead of painkillers I'd suggest some melatonin, a naturally occuring hormone that makes you sleep. You have to take it - depending on the dose close to bed time and only when you have the time to get the 8 hours needed in. There have been time when I was too tired to sleep, sometimes it took 2 nights to get it to work properly.
Things are getting better I have two days slepping ok, falling sleep ta 11 pm and waking up at 5:50 am to take my daughter to high school.

As I told you, my mind was too bussy and worried and these didin't eased me to rest.


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