I'm sorry if you think that I'm being silly, Rich. All I'm trying to say is that one person's jerk is another person's friend. Alot of this is relative.
My point is this...if people in power can use a tazer to enfore their opinion of what they think is right upon you, even if you are being peaceful, what does this do to your freedom?
I deal with angry and uncompliant people all of the time, Rich. Imagine if I had a tool that I could use to just make them do what I want? Imagine if I just didn't have to listen anymore? When the State has this power, you lose your rights.
And I don't think that this is terribly tangetial to the thread...
It is difficult.
I have complained and called my representatives about the HSA and the fact that they can come into my house without a warrant now if the President thinks it is a state of emergency, I have somplained about the no need for warrants for tapping phones and such.
I have complained and wrote letters and made phone calls.
I talk to people.
My biggest complaint about my boss is that he does not listen he only states and talks, but does not listen. Even if he tells me he does not agree if he listened then I would feel somewhat validated.
The problem with this case and in most cases like this is that the person does not want to listen and or talk or see what the problem is with their actions. Why is it bad for them to drop their pants and leave execrement on the floor.
There are ways within the system to accomplish any task this guy may have wanted without being a jerk and requiring action to be taken for his action.
Instead people all complain that he was abused and no one knows what really happened. Once again I question the video and it source and why did it hit the web so fast.
I know there are bad people out there and some of them wear a badge.
I know there are bad people out there but some are also good.
I have to wait for more information, but based upon what I have seen I am fine with what happened.
If more comes to light then I will review it then.
And by your arguements, what is to stop the Government from coming into your home right now? Nothing. They can come in and take you away. Hold you without trial under charges of terrorism.
That to me is much more of a crime and also a bigger threat to my rights, then someone else not taking responsibility for their actions and looking to me to make a point.