No Charge Students

You'll never know who he/she is until years later!


So teach all the same because... "Time" will either promote you or expose you!
I have been the Dojo Janitor and it was a very worthwhile experience that I will pass on to someone else as I am in the process of opening up my own school, I am getting in touch with the local Juvenille Office and I am going to propose to them a program for the local at risk youth and offer a discount based on financial need to the kids.I hope to be able to teach these kids some discipline and a sense of self.Also I was one of these at risk youths when I was a teenager and at the rate I was going I would probably have ended up in prison had it not been for Tae Kwon- Do.Instead I am a Nurse and the Mother of 2 wonderful boys.I am also a 2nd degree black belt and I believe it is time to give something back to my art and community.
if everyone thought like you do i believe there would be less problems on our streets and more people who care about society.

sounds like and excellent idea. i hope to make a difference in many people's lives throughout my martial arts career.
Some day I'll have some paying students, but for the last 11 years mine have all be no-charge students. I've taught mostly in parks or was hosted by Military Gyms and was allowed to charge if I wanted, but I wasn't paying anything so I wouldn't charge anything. Now I'm paying rent for my school, but since I can afford to pay it out of my own pocket, I'll continue to teach for free until I can't afford it.

All of my students are the Dojo Janitors. We each grab a broom beginning and after class and sweep the floor and clean the smudges from the windows and mirrors as needed. I didn't take classes for many many years, when I wanted to, because my parents couldn't afford to send me to one. I wish I had thought to ask the instructor to be the Janitor in exchange for lessons, but at the same time I'm glad that I didn't. There are so many things that I've internalized and have a better understanding of because in training by myself I've made the discoveries instead of having them taught to me.
Turner, Nice attitude. I hope your students realise what a gift they are getting.
;) It's nice to see that so many will teach for free. Has anyone ever got a goverment grnt to teach ( at a youth center, a abuse center, etc. seems like there should be a way to get one if you are in a depressed area.
I am trying to get a grant now but the paperwork is very frustrating.I am in a depressed area as several of our Factories have recently either closed or have laid off a great deal of their employees.and I am also a female business owner so ther are supposed to be alot of grants out their for me but darned if I can get a handle on them.
teaching people who cant afford it also brings new meaning to the arts.

giving someone a chance to improve their way of life, and helping them to build self confidence is one of the greatest gifts a martial artist can give.
We've lost some students because of money issues.. and we've come to realize that their desire and passion to learn and train is much more important than their ability to pay. Just last week, we had a student who left because of money problems amongst other things, return.(Gone 2.5 years). He is much more humble now and we're very happy he's back in mind and body as well as spirit.. There's other's I doubt we would want to return, as they don't have the drive or desire.. Obviously it's not going to help pay bills but when it comes down to humanity and friendship.. it's not all about money..

Just some thoughts :)

I teach aikido for free one day per week...its at a school and classes are open to students and teachers only...........I teach there because i like teaching

I do WSD courses there that i do charge for
Just like being a martial artist isn't about rank, but it's 'in there'...
teaching isn't about money.....but it's 'in there'. It's not the key thing, but in many cases it's the show of dedication. Also: some people will NOT appreciate what you give to them at all. The booing begins in the cheap seats, so to speak.
BUT: having said that, I've had several instructors in the past who said:
"Pay when you can, when you can' out in the school, help teach the kids and do demos around town." I appreciated this help...and the non-money 'payments' themselves became some of my favorite lessons.

Your Brother
I was the "dojo janitor" also. When I was in TSD, I had lost my job. My instructor saw the "effort" that I put into training, ect. So he let me clean the dojang to pay for classes. I was so thankful that after I found a job, I continued to clean for him.
I have a dream of opening a free girl's/women's self-defense class. As for free instruction, my instructor lowers the rates for those who can honestly not afford it, though training is cheap as it is. Our grandmaster teaches for free once a week in a lower-income neighborhood and he donated gear as well.
Dennis Hannover, head of Hisardut, once visited two of my grandmaster's students together with him, two Ethiopian girls whose parents were barely making ends meet. He saw they were eating noodles and rice because that's all they could afford. Another day he saw them again when visiting at our dojo. He told them he'd arm wrestle with each of them, and if they won he'd give them 50 shekels, and if they lost they'd have to give him a hug. Each girl beat him twice.
I have taught many students for little or nothing. If they are willing to put it in I will give it to them. Even though money is nice and neeeded, there are more things to be gained. Some students have even shown the potential to become instructors. The paying students often don't want to do more than the two classes per week and these will go nowhere, but the poor students have a very high potential to make something of themselves. All we have to do is give them a chance.
It is good to see so many will give the child or adult who has little money a chance.
I think that sometimes that chance may be what sparks someone to become a better person later in life.
We all know that things like Pop Warner Football, Soccer programs, Little Leage baseball, the YMCA costs a lot of money and that there are families out there who's childern never get a chance to do these activeities because of financial problems. I shudder to think how many great talents may have been wasted because the person just never got a chance.
Something to keep in mind is that the one who you see that can't pay my very well be the next Bruce Lee, Fumio Demura, Chuck Norris, etc. They may very well be the one that can take the martial arts into a whole new world or maybe keep its traditions alive.
I'm of the belief that when you give something for nothing, it's usually worth nothing to the recipient. So, in response, yes, I'd teach them, but I'd ask something in return, such as assisting or doing something else around the dojo.
i was taught for free at my first school, i was a poor high school kid who couldnt aford the YMCAs rate so my inst (best friends dad) put me in the class and told the Y that i was family ~after all me and sam were like sisters ~ so i get in free