Ninjutsu on Discovery Channel

Scott Morris lost in the quarterfinals of UFC 2. I guess he is a "advanced level" black belt under Robert Bussey.
UFC 2 was a bad day for Ninjutsu.

of course, at UFC 3, Ninjutsu won the whole darn thing. Steve Jennum was an alternate for Shamrock and ended up winning. thanks to Kimo crapping up Gracie. of course, thanks to Kimo, Harold Howard has a victory over Royce Gracie, who would eat harold howard in a fight.
Shogun said:
Scott Morris lost in the quarterfinals of UFC 2. I guess he is a "advanced level" black belt under Robert Bussey.
UFC 2 was a bad day for Ninjutsu.

of course, at UFC 3, Ninjutsu won the whole darn thing. Steve Jennum was an alternate for Shamrock and ended up winning. thanks to Kimo crapping up Gracie. of course, thanks to Kimo, Harold Howard has a victory over Royce Gracie, who would eat harold howard in a fight.

Ah. Now I know who he is. Steve Jennum was alright, he Bujinkan?
I sure hope so, because he is awesome, and I just got done badmouthing Warrior Int.

Except I think Jennum still fights. maybe he doesnt. I dont know.
DuckofDeath said:
Do you take me for some kind of naif? I'm quite aware that Hollywood always takes liberties in films. The real Kumite, for example, was not held in Hong Kong as shown in Bloodsport, but rather in the Bahamas.

Well, going on your posts, I really dont know what to think!!

A very simple point of view.. just my opinion...
Morris.. Jennum..
What do these two men have to do with Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu ?
I don't believe they have anything to do with Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu technique, historial, spiritual, ranking, or training.

In what regards do any of you feel they had anything to do with Togakure ryu Ninpo Taijutsu ?

ralph severe, kamiyama
Tulisan said: you are saying that Dux damages his own credability through his own misinformation. I agree.

Question seem to support him. Why, if this is the case?

Let me answer in part with an anecdote. Back when I was posting on the now defunct Frank Dux Forum, it was overrun with anti-Dux posters. A new poster, wolfen1842, asked for evidence either way on Dux, making it clear that "everyone knows he's a fake" did not constitute evidence against Dux. Well, the anti-Dux posters got whipped up into a frenzy because--in spite of the fact that "everyone knows Dux is a fake"--no one could decisively prove the charges of fakery. That's why I believe that examining a work such as The Secret Man may hold the key to proving whether Dux is indeed a fake.
MJS said:
Well, going on your posts, I really dont know what to think!!

It's a Ninja technique for keeping opponents off balance--that devious sojobow does it all the time!
DuckofDeath said:
Let me answer in part with an anecdote. Back when I was posting on the now defunct Frank Dux Forum, it was overrun with anti-Dux posters. A new poster, wolfen1842, asked for evidence either way on Dux, making it clear that "everyone knows he's a fake" did not constitute evidence against Dux. Well, the anti-Dux posters got whipped up into a frenzy because--in spite of the fact that "everyone knows Dux is a fake"--no one could decisively prove the charges of fakery. That's why I believe that examining a work such as The Secret Man may hold the key to proving whether Dux is indeed a fake.

Here is the thing, Frank Dux claimed that he was CIA agent. The CIA denied this. Sources as varied as the LA Times and Soldier of Fortune Magazine looked at his claims and proclaimed them bull feces.

Dux then said that the denials, etc were part of an effort to smear him. As the accuser, it is up to him to prove these claims. He has not. If you go to his web site he has things like letters they say are written by people backing up his claims and accusations. But no one so far has been able to contact these people to determine if they actually exist or if they are merely figments of Dux's imagination and written by him or a friend. This type of evidence that can not be determined to be fake or not would not stand up ina court of law. Dux's accusations fall flat on their face. It is up to Dux to prove that the CIA is denying his claims due to the reasons he gives. It is not anyone else's job to prove his accusations are not true.

Hence, Dux is a fraud. He made claims, they were denied and the accusations he made to try to cover up this denial can not be proven when scrutinized.

Until Dux or his followers provide proof to his accusations that everyone on their own can verify, we are justified in calling Dux a fraud. No secret proof, no trusting some person on the internet. Proof that can stand up and be verified by outside sources. Nothing less.

End of story.
DuckofDeath said:
It's a Ninja technique for keeping opponents off balance--that devious sojobow does it all the time! that what it was.

DuckofDeath said:
Let me answer in part with an anecdote. Back when I was posting on the now defunct Frank Dux Forum, it was overrun with anti-Dux posters. A new poster, wolfen1842, asked for evidence either way on Dux, making it clear that "everyone knows he's a fake" did not constitute evidence against Dux. Well, the anti-Dux posters got whipped up into a frenzy because--in spite of the fact that "everyone knows Dux is a fake"--no one could decisively prove the charges of fakery. That's why I believe that examining a work such as The Secret Man may hold the key to proving whether Dux is indeed a fake.

Well, ya see....anything can be made to make people believe something. Of course Dux and his followers are going to want and try to make people believe that hes legit. I would also tend to trust people who've been around real Ninjutsu like Hayes, compared to Dux. Has anyone ever done any research on his past? On his training? Where he trained? Who he trained with? I dont want to rely on a movie for that. People who always hide behind that cloak of mystery tend to make others question what they claim.

MJS said:
Has anyone ever done any research on his past? On his training? Where he trained? Who he trained with?

sojobow says he's done the research :p After all, he's claimed that dux ryu roots go back at least 2500 years, but curiously he's never been able to provide the name of Dux's alleged instructor's instructor or anything beyond Frank Dux :rolleyes:
Where does Dux ever say that dim mak is Japanese? Most people know the "death touch" by its Chinese name. I'm puzzled by all the grief Dux and his Dux Ryu Ninjitsu students take because they practice dim mak.

Errr.... it could be because Dux claims to have learned a Japanese art, and yet is using decidedly Chinese terminology to describe its teachings --- apparently for no other reason than scores of fanatics are vaguely familiar with what they think "dim mak" is supposed to be. I'm sure if the Korean or Tibetan equivalent of dim mak was culturally "hot" in the West, then Dux would have used that terminology in his story instead.

Kim/Hunter does the same kind of thing, too --- even mixing up Korean and Japanese names for his pseudonym.

It smells incredibly fishy, and that's putting it nicely.

Besides, at least how his "dim mak" is portrayed in the movie, Dux doesn't even seem to understand what the principle is supposed to be in the first place. Its not some "vibrating chi palm" used to break bricks --- its attacking meridian lines.

Bah, smells like horsecrap to me. Laterz.
heretic888 said:
It smells incredibly fishy, and that's putting it nicely.

Besides, at least how his "dim mak" is portrayed in the movie, Dux doesn't even seem to understand what the principle is supposed to be in the first place. Its not some "vibrating chi palm" used to break bricks --- its attacking meridian lines.

Bah, smells like horsecrap to me. Laterz.
The funny thing is as I read this thread that I have seen the poster in my Chiro's examing rooms all the time for "touch for life" with the meridians, touch points, systems/organs to be affected and times for best benefits. When I mentioned this to him he clarified that the man considered the 'father of western chiropractics' was a Canadien who had essentially 'westernized' the Eastern medical philosophy so it was easier for patiences to swallow as sound practice.

So, I guess the health side of pressure point manipulation - if totally understood could basically be reversed and you would have "Canada/Cowboy Mak"....:)

But seriously, there is a real problem with the misrepresentation of Dux's claims and legitimacy. This guy is teaching stuff that could be dangerous if applied. Would you recommend a doctor, lawyer (okay, no one really recommends lawyers...) or some other 'self proclaimed' professional with his pedigree or resume? I wouldn't.
Don Roley said:
Here is the thing, Frank Dux claimed that he was CIA agent. The CIA denied this. Sources as varied as the LA Times and Soldier of Fortune Magazine looked at his claims and proclaimed them bull feces.

Dux then said that the denials, etc were part of an effort to smear him. As the accuser, it is up to him to prove these claims. He has not. If you go to his web site he has things like letters they say are written by people backing up his claims and accusations. But no one so far has been able to contact these people to determine if they actually exist or if they are merely figments of Dux's imagination and written by him or a friend. This type of evidence that can not be determined to be fake or not would not stand up ina court of law. Dux's accusations fall flat on their face. It is up to Dux to prove that the CIA is denying his claims due to the reasons he gives. It is not anyone else's job to prove his accusations are not true.

Hence, Dux is a fraud. He made claims, they were denied and the accusations he made to try to cover up this denial can not be proven when scrutinized.

Until Dux or his followers provide proof to his accusations that everyone on their own can verify, we are justified in calling Dux a fraud. No secret proof, no trusting some person on the internet. Proof that can stand up and be verified by outside sources. Nothing less.

End of story.

Is this an example of what you're referring to?

Do you think John Padgett II is a figment of Dux's imagination?
DuckofDeath said:
Is this an example of what you're referring to?

Do you think John Padgett II is a figment of Dux's imagination?

You know that several e-budo members tried to prove one way or another if Padgett existed and really wrote that letter. The web site manager or Dux never has given a way to contact anyone named Padgett to confirm the facts. Sojobow told us to check the military. Some e-budo members tried and found out that the military will not give out personal information like that. Sojobow then tried to say that if we had special contacts in the military we could confirm it.

That is not independent proof that anyone can check for themselves. That would not stand up in a court of law. Dux has failed to back up and prove his accusations against the military and the CIA.