Ninjustu Forum Rules?

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Administrative Note

Please be advised that this type of crap is not wanted here.

Despite Mr. Bester's wording, I tend to be in agreement with him in the intent.

I see little discussion of the arts of the ninja here. I do however see a small, somewhat elitist club that sees nothing wrong with hiding smack talk behind the idea of 'debate'.

This forum is one of our original ones. Its been here since August 2001. In that time (almost 3 years) it has generated a mere 237 topics, and only 3,168 posts. It has not been pruned of more than a dozen posts in 3 years.

I currently see little value in continuing to waste the server space to only provide a place for children to bicker.

If you wish to continue to have a place here specifically for the discussion of ninjutsu, then please do just that - discuss ninjutsu. Otherwise, take the bickering, whining, and attitudes elsewhere.

For those who want an exclusive clubhouse - see the hosted forums. For $99 a year, you can have your own private little club, and lock out all those you deem 'unworthy'. Otherwise, I would highly recomend that everyone review the forum rules, most especially those involving "respect".

Additional warnings, etc. may be pending once the administration finishes their review of several threads in this forum.

As to the future of the Ninjutsu forum - if in 30 days it is still dead or a *****-fest, it'll be pruned of the crap and rolled back into General Japanese.

It's in your hands folks. Theres a number of good threads em and work em good.

So, let me see. It does not matter if a person such as Sojobow rewrites history as long as he is pleasent about it. But standing up and saying that the emporer has no clothes is frowned upon.

Honestly, the amount of blatently false information that some have attempted to spread in here is getting pretty thick. I am not talking about opinions. I am talking about facts.

But I will consider what you say. If you do not mind silly Hollywood- type crap spread, I guess that is your call. But it explains why you can't seem to get anyone who knows anything about the art to last very long as moderators here.
I apologize to the users of this forum who are not engaging in dialogue that is "friendly" (reference our rules).

This thread will now be locked.

-Michael Billings
MT Moderator
Don Roley said:
So, let me see. It does not matter if a person such as Sojobow rewrites history as long as he is pleasent about it. But standing up and saying that the emporer has no clothes is frowned upon.
No Don, that is -NOT- what I said.
Factual information presented in a mature polite manner is very much the preference here.

Honestly, the amount of blatently false information that some have attempted to spread in here is getting pretty thick. I am not talking about opinions. I am talking about facts.
Yes, there is a large amount of misinformation out there. But playing the "I can't tell you" card will not cut it.

But I will consider what you say. If you do not mind silly Hollywood- type crap spread, I guess that is your call. But it explains why you can't seem to get anyone who knows anything about the art to last very long as moderators here.
No, I don't want the 'Hollywood' ninja. I would very much prefer the 'real deal'. Some folks don't know better, others refuse to learn. Driving people away from a forum however is not the method to fix either situation. Neither is an 'anything goes' mindset. We want active moderators who will steer, seed and moderate a forum, not sit back and allow anarchy to reign supreme.

How Jay runs the Ninjutsu forum on Budoseek works there. The same moderation style may or may not work here, where the rules and procedures are different.

Yes, certain individuals have fake credentials, falsified lineages, and artificially embelished training histories. A resonable amount of questioning and discussion is allowed. After a certain point however, it must either be dropped or moved to the Horror Forum, which allows a bit more room for debate.

This forum is for the discussion of Ninjutsu/Ninjitsu, (Yes I am aware of the issues regarding the spelling variences.) not character assassination or disrespectful behavior.

Regarding Sojobow, he is entitled to his version of history. Correcting it is not the issue, it is several threads publically ridiculing him, as well as certain actions by a few that have crossed the line into "Fraud Busting".

There is more than 1 ninjustu family tree that I am aware of.

Discuss history, techniques, lineages, concepts, etc. to your hearts content. I personally am facinated by the limited information I have seen, and grew up on Hayes books. More solid information is at the core of what I seek here. Not pointless bickering.

There is room here for all the flavors of ninjutsu. Remember, there is the "ignore" feature for those you find annoying, and there is the "Report" feature for those you find inflamitory.

It is my hope that this forum can be saved, and one or two moderators will arise from those interested in this topic.

The rest Don, is in the hands of those members interested in these arts.
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