Yes, I certainly have no disagreement with that statement either, Jeff. And thus does the dilemma arise.
No one government, person, or organization could truly be qualified to ascertain such parental prospects' right to procreate. The margin for error would mean that some couples would be wrongly denied permission to have children, which would be as devastating as anything I could imagine.
Still, we have decided on a society where we do indeed appoint group (senators, congressmen, and other organizations) to dictate to us what we can and cannot do. I don't agree with all laws but I abide by every one of them.
I think as much, if not more, work should go into the process of collecting and maintaining this organization as there is in conducting its operations. We aren't talking about whether you can have a drink at 20; we're talking about one of the fundamental primal forces of all mankind.
But overpopulation is a determinable factor in almost every problem I can think of. The population has to be controlled for the sake of everyone. Coupled with the fact that so many children are denied the benefit of quality parents, scarring them and the society they touch, I still assert that such parental skills testing needs to be done.