Next Poster Game

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wrong and I was wrong with guessing Morph not right...



Right Post Count ...

Uhh folks ... this is getting tedious so I might have to stop making these counts... one thing I think I need to do is starting now is have the rule of NOT guessing yourselves and then posting seconds afterwards... also as I was scrolling down I noticed that people were pronounced right when actually the next poster was the wrong guess... basically trying to post immediately after the last person and declaring them right when they were actually wrong because someone else posted in between them... (did that make sense??)

Anyway So scrolling down I kept watch on the next poster... even if the next poster wasn't who the last poster said it was then the last poster was wrong.

SIGH... ya'll are having fun that's for shure... and I'm glad...

But it's counting and recounting... whoo! Lots of work ...

anyway as of JAN 1st 2007 here's the score...

TerryL965 : 98
Drac : 98 (this was a close race between Terry and Drac with Drac pulling ahead at first then Terry catching up... :D )
morph4me : 66
Kacey : 48
MA-Caver : 41
Ping898 : 34
Brian : 29
shesulsa :10
Carol Kaur : 9
Jonathan Randall : 8
dubljay : 6
tkdgirl : 5
Arizona Angel : 5
Lisa : 3
Donna : 3
bcbernam777, kenpo0324, bushidomartialarts, Xue Sheng : all at 1

If someone else wants to start counting right guesses then PM me and I'll explain how I do it... :D

On with the game!


Oh, and by the way, I can think of a couple of times I posted a "right" or "wrong", and by the time I finished typing, hit "submit" and the post loaded, someone else had posted, making my response incorrect, at least on some occasions - which might explain what you were talking about.
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