Right Count UPDATE!! Woo hoo!
(I thought about updating once a week but geez from page 19 of the thread where the last update count to page 34... umm no! LOL So just gonna have to go by pages. every four or five pages and do an update).
Also I've come across some "right" answers but they were made after "wrong" answers that were posted inbetween the last guess to the next... so I'm not sure about how to count those except... not to count 'em. Sorry.
And yeah what Lisa said... only registered members of MT to be guessed... Elvis and George Bush need not apply.
Lurkers you can really twart the "right" count by popping up and making someone WRONG!

just for the fun of it.
C'mon in now, we wanna more people to guess at!
(oh and also I posted "wrong" and then made my guess then submit then went back and edit so to allow the flow of the game to continue while I'm typing the "right" numbers.
Ok as it stands
Bryan :wink2: 20
Terry : 17
shesulsa : 9
Kacey : 6
Drac : 14
bydand : 10
dubljay : 4
morph4me : 7
Ping898 : 7
Jonathan Randall : 7
Caver :wink2: : 6
Lisa : 1
bcbernam777 : 1