Newbie, need stretching and kicking exercises in preparation...

  • Thread starter Thread starter Beltz
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Hello, I've done a bit of martial arts in the past but I'm very unflexible especially with things such as side kicks (so I think my hips are the problem).

I've tried 4 schools in the last 10 year (I'm 21) and gave up at the last one because I was always on the verge of passing out due to bad shape.

Now I'm running 4 miles in 30 minutes 4 times per week without getting winded so I'm in much better shape, and I want to give martial arts a serious try.

I plan to look for schools around Montreal until December and to decide which one to attend then (I read on this forum to shop for schools for a month before chosing one...)

In the meantime I would like to do some exercises for leg flexibility and to build endurance by practicing basic kicks.

Are there websites showing exactly how to do some of those exercises? I want to put about 4-5 hours a week stretching, kicking and punching but I don't know which kicks to do nor how to stretch properly (besides a few stretches I do for running).


Personally, I would advise that you wait until you start training at a martial arts school before concerning yourself with kicks. Different systems will have different theories on kicking, and the actual physical positioning and execution of any particular kick may vary from system to system.

I do think it's a good idea to get yourself stretching again...not only for martial arts, but to help eliminate the risk of injuring any muscles while you're running. Here's a site that has quite a bit of information on stretching:

Ah, stretching and flexibility....

Remember that there are two times you stretch
1. When your muscles are cold to prevent injury (light stretching)
2. When your muscles are warm to increase flexibility

There are a few different types of stretching, the one which would be most beneficial at this point would probably be dynamic stretching.

After you have gone for your jog, find yourself a spot with some clearance and start doing leg raises. Do them to the front, to the side and to the rear. Try and keep your body as upright as possible and DON'T fling your leg up at full speed - unless of course you want to give yourself an injury.

A good one for developing strength and flexibility is static-active stretching. This would be standing still (probably while supporting yourself by holding a chair) and slowly lifting your leg as high as you can and holding it there. Don't support it with anything except your abs.

That should get you going!!

a good stretch that I use is to stand with your feet about 3 feet away from a wall. extend your arms and lean slowly towards the wall, bracing your hands on the wall for balance. keep your heels on the ground. its a great stretch for the back of the leg.
One website that I frequent to get information is

Oh, and just so you keep reading ... it's not just for running. From the main page, go to training, and under injury prevention, you will see a section on stretching.

You'll also find a lot of information about nutrition, injuries, and strengthening.

Just thought I would pass this on.

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