Dynamic stretching n leg weight training same day ?


White Belt
I'm not training in a ma currently but im trying to work on flexibility n all around fitness in the meantime b4 i do beginso I wanted to know if doing dynamic stretching exercises on the same day u do lower body weightlifting exercises is okI do weightlifting everyday at school alternating between upper (mon., wed.) and lower (tue., thu.) body with mile runs on Fri.'sany replies will be much appreciated
Well one thing seems for sure.
If you do heavy squats, dead lifts, curls and extensions, and than you go into dynamic stretches you chance of injury sky rockets.
I do them every day in the morning and right before I do my weight training. I also follow up with isometric stretching following my workouts. I only do static stretching in the evenings before I go to bed. If you want flexibility and strength you should look for a yoga class.
Epson said:
Well one thing seems for sure.
If you do heavy squats, dead lifts, curls and extensions, and than you go into dynamic stretches you chance of injury sky rockets.

If you do curls and extensions your chance for injury goes up. We are not bodybuilders, we are athletes, or at least train in an athletic manner. They have their place but it is limited.

Are you warmed up well before doing them. Stretching (dynamic or static) is not a warm up activity.
Honestly I don't think yoga class with all the passive stretches will help a Martial Artist in flexibility. Pilates is more likely.
While I personally have little weight training experince, I can tell you what I've heard (books mostly). From what I understand you should do a light warm up (say 20 or 30 pushups), strech, do your lifting, then strech again. The warm up helps reduce the chances of hurting yourself by pulling something. The strech also helps with that. The strech after will acctuly help build muscle, and makes it so your less likely to lose your flexibiltly (weight training other wise will do that). Personally I suggest you get a good coach, or if nothing else read a few books (High Intesity Training is a good read). But what ever floats your boat.

Sweet Brighit Bless your Blade,

Honestly I don't think yoga class with all the passive stretches will help a Martial Artist in flexibility. Pilates is more likely.

My best friend has been doing martial arts for about 20 years and he recently went through acting school where Yoga was one of the warmups for class. He said it actually lost flexibility he had attained.
The images we see in the media is of those people, who do yoga for years and in long practice sessions. No snapping on yoga or anything. It is just that in our days it's not what it was previously.
Shirt Ripper said:
Are you warmed up well before doing them. Stretching (dynamic or static) is not a warm up activity.

I do a 10 minute war-up prior to doing my dynamic stretches.

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