Senior Master
Phoenix44 said:Firstly, let's be clear that the OB/GYN organization DID NOT advocate euthanizing these newborns, but called for an open discussion of the topic.
In many cases, it isn't a matter of euthanizing these's a matter of keeping them alive by extraordinary means. If euthanasia is playing God, so are some of these extraordinary means.
What is the objective of medicine, if not to keep the sick alive, maintain health, and return the sick to health? We do extroardinary things on a daily basis to hundreds of patients, which is part of mans ingenuity and the progress of science.
When we start attaching dollar signs to things, we start having issues... are we going to start killing everyone that gets very ill? Should we start attaching worth to an individual in comparison to medical costs or burden to soceity? What about a teenager that gets cancer? Maybe some incurable form? At what age do we draw the line? First week of life? First year? teenage years? Anyone seriously/terminally ill? The suggestion might sound extreme, but a good 100 years ago abortion was almost unheard of. What will be the "extreme" of tommorow?
What I don't want is medical decisions being made based on a spreadsheet of net worth or potential value vs medical costs/effort. Life is worth more than that.