I know personal attacks are a staple of internet discussions everywhere, but I hope you'll excuse me if I don't respond to yours.
That wasn't a 'personal attack' it was an observation made because of your seeming inability to not find something wrong with every place you have trained. Think about it, one of you, many martial arts places but it's never you who is the problem...…….. I'd suggest you don't go in with an empty cup.
I've never been in a street fight. I don't know anyone who's been in a street fight (at least not that they told me). My opinion is based on footage I've seen of real fights, some statistics and news articles.
You are putting your theoretical knowledge up against peoples actual knowledge and experience, can you be surprised if you are incorrect? the footage you see of fights doesn't follow the fights from before they started, the monkey dance part so all you see is the stupid bit.
I'm sure you're heard about how easy it is for a single punch to kill someone.
Mate, I haven't 'heard' but I have had to take statements and deal with so called 'one punch' incidents. Only one died luckily. Trust me, I've seen and dealt with all sort of fights, I've walked nay run away from fights and I've picked up the pieces after fights. I used to work with people who loved a fight, who often had people pick on them just to start a fight and some who would fight among themselves just for the craic.
Martial arts wouldn't have helped him there
Really, what do you actually think we learn in martial arts? It's not all punching and kicking, we teach awareness as well as how to avoid being hit ( I always like that bit, most people do) and how to avoid altercations to start with.
There are lots of videos of "street fights" where one guy is winning until some random stranger in the crowd (or a friend of the loser) steps in and soccer kicks or sucker-punches the winner.
And? that proves martial arts doesn't work does it? or does it prove there are idiots who drink too much or who are just complete morons. Martial artists don't go around brawling which is basically what you are describing. The fights are rarely random and usually can be avoided by sensible people. Muggings and attacks are a completely different thing.
The husband makes a scene
If he'd been a martial artist he would have assessed the situation, knowing that it was more than likely that man wasn't on his own and even if it makes him look like a coward he would have taken his wife out of the bar and away from there. Discretion is the better part of valour.
Now, I'm sure for every instance I've listed here you could come up with several where two guys fought and no knives or guns or buddies showed up. I'm not debating that happens. My point is that it COULD go the other way and therefore, it's not worth it.
No I'm not, I'm going to say get some time in, stop watching fights on videos and get some real life experience, stop trying to tell experienced martial arts why you think they are wrong because while you are glued to a screen, we're training.