New Server Planned - December 07

Great!!! Yay for MT!

So its just a really big computer? I really had no idea what a server really was.
Moving this weekend? What kind of down time are you expecting, Bob? If I don't get my MT fix no-one will be able to stand me.:tantrum:

Seriously, though. I hope everything runs smoothly and I'll continue to check in as time goes by this weekend to make sure you are still in one piece.
It all depends on if things are setup in time, otherwise I'll be doing the move early next week. Gotta get some stuff in order, clear the head and make sure I give the new team the right setup info.

I'm figuring a day to do the move, then 2-3 for all the DNS updates to settle in.
Server ordered, waiting on confirmation.
Keep us posted, Bob. This is one long- (and desperately-)awaited upgrade...
Server is online and final tweaking is going on. I'm beginning the long process of backing up this server in order to prepare for the migration, which I'll be doing over this coming weekend. With some luck, we'll have minimal downtime as the big issue is copying over the database, then upating DNS.

I'll be running a move log over on KenpoTalk once things start so folks can stay informed, and posting any delays or problems to the MT Myspace account.

We're on the way! :D
Server is online and final tweaking is going on. I'm beginning the long process of backing up this server in order to prepare for the migration, which I'll be doing over this coming weekend. With some luck, we'll have minimal downtime as the big issue is copying over the database, then upating DNS.

I'll be running a move log over on KenpoTalk once things start so folks can stay informed, and posting any delays or problems to the MT Myspace account.

We're on the way! :D

Thanks for the warning, good luck with the migration....better you than me.
Right now, I'm waiting on name servers to register. This internet speed's just too slow. lol
Obviously, in addition to a faster machine you need to get a faster Internet!

(I hear Internet2 ain't working out as well as hoped...)
I thought it was mine? Damn Al Gore for taking all my fun away...
1 GB in static files backed up.
Now transfering them to new server.

I'm going to get everything in place before I lock down the old server and start copying databases. Once the databases are copied, I'm going to install some upgrades before reopening the site. Once it's all good to go, I'll be forwarding all traffc over and updating DNS. Should only be a few hours of downtime total. :)
w00t! :bangahead: :bangahead: :bangahead:
I thought it was mine? Damn Al Gore for taking all my fun away...

The internet `information superhighway' is more often like the `information Long Island Expressway', once famously described as the longest parking lot in the world....
1 GB in static files backed up.
Now transfering them to new server.

I'm going to get everything in place before I lock down the old server and start copying databases. Once the databases are copied, I'm going to install some upgrades before reopening the site. Once it's all good to go, I'll be forwarding all traffc over and updating DNS. Should only be a few hours of downtime total. :)

Woohoo!!! So when do you think the site will be down for the transfer?
logged on earlier to get the information you where doing the transfer

So far it looks good to me
Yep so fare we are rocking!
Old server now scheduled for decomissioning later in the week.

Play taps for it, it was good to us for so long. :)