New Server Planned - December 07

Bob Hubbard

MT Mentor
Founding Member
Lifetime Supporting Member
MTS Alumni
Aug 4, 2001
Reaction score
Land of the Free
As most of you are aware, MT has been running sluggish and with many of it's features limited or disabled due to us outgrowing our current equipment. After a great deal of research and thought, I've finalized the specs for our new home and am planning out the move now. The one thing standing in our way is the initial cash to make the move.

We've got enough cashflow to sustain the move, but are a few hundred dollars short of being able to cover the initial change.

If you've been a long time member who misses the site running like it used to, or a new member who likes the site but wishes it ran a little quicker, or misses features others have, please consider helping us move.

Become a supporting member or join the Gold Key Club.
Both will give you more access, and more features, as well as help us raise the cash to move MT to it's new home.

Thank you.
I just signed up for Gold Key..Its only a 2 month membership, but until I get back on duty its all I can afford..
Bob what is the total needed for this to happen. I need some extra work done. Maybe we can make a deal.
Bob, I have a 'special subvention' coming to you for this project that will probably arrive at your PO box right after Thanksgiving...
Now don't spend it all in one place! Err...Well, I guess you kind of have to. Hmm, that expression doesn't work here.
I love what you have going here, I'm going to talk to my wife and see if we can't float a little your way to help cover as well.
Thanks :)

Server Fund: $100
Shortage: $200
I like it when pictures improve....that's usually when I stop pointing the lens at me, and point it at the ladies instead. :D

Much appreciated!
I'll have to see what I've got after I pay all my bills tomorrow... I'd like to help, but my mother, father, sister, and step-father all have birthdays between Dec. 9 and Jan. 8; December is always pretty hard on me.
I like it when pictures improve....that's usually when I stop pointing the lens at me, and point it at the ladies instead. :D

Much appreciated!

Just keep your eye on your SilverStar P.O. box, Bob, over the next few days... :wink1:
This really is great. The uniqueness of this site is in the willingness to help out, and the drive its members have in making things "happen"...tells alot about the great place that is MT ;-)
I'll be placing the order tonight. If everything goes right, I'll be moving the site this weekend.

For those interestd, here's the new specs:
» Processor: AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 5000+
» Memory: 2GB DDR2 SDRAM
» Hd1: 73GB 15,000RPM SCSI / 8MB Cache
» Hd2: 120GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
» RemoteBackup: 50GB Remote Backup (+Offsite Backup)
» OS: Linux - CentOS 4
I'll be placing the order tonight. If everything goes right, I'll be moving the site this weekend.

For those interestd, here's the new specs:
» Processor: AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 5000+
» Memory: 2GB DDR2 SDRAM
» Hd1: 73GB 15,000RPM SCSI / 8MB Cache
» Hd2: 120GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
» RemoteBackup: 50GB Remote Backup (+Offsite Backup)
» OS: Linux - CentOS 4

:cheers: :highfive: :highfive: :highfive: :cheers:
I'll be placing the order tonight. If everything goes right, I'll be moving the site this weekend.

For those interestd, here's the new specs:
» Processor: AMD Athlon X2 Dual Core 5000+
» Memory: 2GB DDR2 SDRAM
» Hd1: 73GB 15,000RPM SCSI / 8MB Cache
» Hd2: 120GB 7200RPM SATA / 8MB Cache
» RemoteBackup: 50GB Remote Backup (+Offsite Backup)
» OS: Linux - CentOS 4

Post Reported Due To Gratuitous Pr0n. Bob, try not to brag about your big, powerful hard drives and XX rated Dual Cores :p

Seriously, congrats on the new server. I'm only sorry I didn't have any money to kick in towards the Cause.