New School Advice


Master Black Belt
A brief overview of me and where I'm at: Have studied EPAK for most of my life, now live 3 hours from my home school and only make it there once every couple of months. Study with another misplaced student 2 times per week. Looking to continue Kenpo, but need something more to get back in shape.

Okay, that said.......Well- I decided to try out the adult class at my son's karate place last night. The dojo is called U.K.K.F.......United Kung-Fu Karate Federation. They combine Kenpo, Tae-Kwon Do and Kung-Fu all into one system. The main reason I wanted to do this is to get back in shape. I will continue my Tues/Thurs. Kenpo classes (don't ever want to give up my Kenpo)- but we really don't get much cardio workout there on most nights so I wanted to add something. This will mean I will be going 4 nights a week now to karate- twice to the new place, twice to Kenpo. This is the most reasonably-priced studio around here so that is nice. I like that he doesn't require a contract, payment is month-to-month and you can freeze your membership if you go on vacation.

The thing I'm not too sure about yet is why I am getting such a lack of info. For example......when I first signed our son up there, I told the instructor that I also do martial arts and who my instructor was. He actually knows who my instructor is cuz he met him at a tourney one time in the past. Not once........and still, even after trying out the class last night.....has he inquired about my rank!! My history either!! Those are the first things I usually ask someone when I find out they are a martial artist- their rank, style and history in the arts!! Also after class, there was no questioning.......I expected him to ask how I liked it, if I wanted to join, etc. I had to track him down to ask about payment, etc. Kinda weird considering what I am used to in a studio. My instructor is usually very informative about our art, very attentive to prospective new students, etc. Only thing I can think of is that maybe they are not interested in wasting words, etc unless you are interested in joining?? So.......I am still a little concerned about that and how he will be as an instructor. I do know he is well-respected within the studio and community and the class last night was great!! He worked our butts off!! Not sure if that was for my sake......trying to run me off....or if it is normally like that......but the whole class was on kicks. We did them isometrically, fast, on bags with partners, against multiple, I was worn out by the end!!

A few of the students picked up that I had studied martial arts before and asked me about guy asked me if I did Tae Kwon Do!! I told him no.......American Kenpo......he made me feel good by telling me I had strong kicks!! The other girl, after I told her I'd blown my knee out on a previous test awhile ago said........"I thought you'd done some martial arts before.......there's no way you could move like that and be a beginner!!" This also made me feel good.......someone noticed!! But still, nobody asked about any ranks.......weird. Do you find this weird too, or am I just being crazy?

I have not tried out a new studio in a looooonnnggg time and just found this bizarre. Have any of you come across this type of thing before? I wonder if I was a total newbie to the martial arts.....or if I hadn't told him of any previous training, if I'd still be getting this lack of info. Somehow I doubt it and just wonder if there is some hesitancy or something cuz I am from another school? :idunno:

Anyway, all opinions on the matter welcome......and thanks!! :asian:
I would not be overly concerned that he has not asked about your rank yet. I have worked out in the past at dojos that really cared less. It was what you did on the mat that counted. What I would be concerned about is his lack of communication with you. I am always interested in hearing about my students past in the arts if they have one. I am also wondering why he did not talk with you after you first class to see how you liked it. That is important at our dojo to make the new/ perspective student feel at home. See how it goes at your next class and make a decision from there.

In the spirit of bushido!

Thank you Chinto01. Yeah- not sure about the after class lack of communication either......I neglected to mention there was another class after maybe he was just focused on that. But neither I, nor my son, got an introduction to the rest of the students at our first classes.......another thing I found bizarre.........will see how the next one goes........
Shodan said:
Thank you Chinto01. Yeah- not sure about the after class lack of communication either......I neglected to mention there was another class after maybe he was just focused on that. But neither I, nor my son, got an introduction to the rest of the students at our first classes.......another thing I found bizarre.........will see how the next one goes........

Another class or not the owner of our school will always make time for new students after their class. He will usually have one of the other black belts run the workout while he talks with the new students.

Good luck at your next class!

In the spirit of bushido!

Hello, In our school we usually ask, if they train before, how long , what style, rank, name of school and there teacher name and so on. Just to get a feel of where we can help them in our ways.

We mention we do somethings different from your style and just follow along and if they wish to stay and learn our ways...great...

Note: sometimes we learn from them too! No matter how long you train, or what your rank was in your systems, everyone starts at white belt, and we know we don't have to cover everything, like how to make a fist,stand and so on....

Anyone who starts at a new school ...should know you will start as a white belt.
Always follow there teaching, and do the things they do....

Good luck and have fun and enjoy the new things/different stuffs.....Aloha
please don't take offence. i am not trying to bait you or be disrespectful...

Shodan said:
when I first signed our son up there, I told the instructor that I also do martial arts and who my instructor was. He actually knows who my instructor is cuz he met him at a tourney one time in the past. Not once........and still, even after trying out the class last night.....has he inquired about my rank!! My history either!!
does this really matter to you? i'm thinking he would probably rather see you demonstrate your rank than talk about it, personally i may ask about someones previous style, but if i start asking about rank, then i believe i'v done them and myself a disservice. who cares about a belt color. what do you know?can i learn from you? these are things i would be asking.

Shodan said:
Those are the first things I usually ask someone when I find out they are a martial artist- their rank, style and history in the arts!! Also after class, there was no questioning.......I expected him to ask how I liked it, if I wanted to join, etc. I had to track him down to ask about payment, etc. Kinda weird considering what I am used to in a studio. My instructor is usually very informative about our art, very attentive to prospective new students, etc. Only thing I can think of is that maybe they are not interested in wasting words, etc unless you are interested in joining?? So.......I am still a little concerned about that and how he will be as an instructor. I do know he is well-respected within the studio and community and the class last night was great!!
i believe you are answering your own questions, he sounds like a very good instructor who has his ego firmly under control. maybe he's not really focusing on money, your feelings or whether you understand his art. you will learn or you won't, join/not, it sounds like he's puting you in control. you should be grateful.

Shodan said:
He worked our butts off!! Not sure if that was for my sake......trying to run me off....or if it is normally like that......but the whole class was on kicks. We did them isometrically, fast, on bags with partners, against multiple, I was worn out by the end!!
did you learn anything in this first class? sounds like you did. do you really think the class was conducted for your benefit or discomfort?

Shodan said:
A few of the students picked up that I had studied martial arts before and asked me about guy asked me if I did Tae Kwon Do!! I told him no.......American Kenpo......he made me feel good by telling me I had strong kicks!! The other girl, after I told her I'd blown my knee out on a previous test awhile ago said........"I thought you'd done some martial arts before.......there's no way you could move like that and be a beginner!!" This also made me feel good.......someone noticed!! But still, nobody asked about any ranks.......weird. Do you find this weird too, or am I just being crazy?
it sounds like they are very polite, respectful students. why do you need validation? be confident in yourself and whatever abilities you have.don't restrict who you can learn from. everyone can teach you something, everyone can learn something. be open, put ego on the shelf. throw out your belt and enjoy the experience. hopefully i not being too preachy. :) good luck.
Thank you Still Learning and BluenoseKenpo- I put this post out there for a variety of other opinions and views on the situation and I am really enjoying various takes on this.

BluenoseKenpo- thank you for your advice and no, I don't think you were too "preachy". I didn't want to come across as though I am one to flaunt my rank (I'd like to think I've never been like that), but it sure sounded like that in my above writing, eh?!!

I guess I was more concerned with normal (as I see it) protocal for a new student and why an instructor would not be interested in past training, what your present goals are, if you liked the class, etc. I think I have always equated someone asking about you with respect. Respecting you and your past- in this case, past training, knowledge, etc. I view it kinda like when you are introduced to a new person (aside from martial arts) usually question them about themselves, try to find something in common, etc. So.....not being questioned in this case just seemed off to me- also, it is not how my instructor deals with new people- so it wasn't what I expected or was used to.....but everyone is different.

I understand what you are saying though- that maybe this instructor is just putting me in control and leaving it all up to me as far as if I think I can benefit from training there or not, etc. I have no qualms about wearing a white belt again and, in fact, am looking forward to learning some new things to supplement my Kenpo training. You've helped me look at another side to this, thanks again. :asian:
Remember each school and instructor are different.

Some instructors could care less about what rank you hold in what organisation.
If you go to a couple of more classes and work out hard I think he may get around to speaking with you. on the other hand some instructors hardly talk to new students until the student proves he/she is there to stay. on the other hand we do not know what kind of day the instructor had or where his mind was (he may have had pressing issues that he wa thinking about)

Going in with rank sometimes means an ego is being brought in also. The instructor may just be weighing your ability and your workout ethics. Just be yourslef and work hard with out trying to prove to anyone that "you have rank" I'm sure you'll learn this new system and enjoy yourslef.
I wonder how many other students he has come in with rank in another style who leave soon after? There could be several reasons why he either purposely or accidentally refrained from asking about your background. I wouldn't worry about it too much, rather focus on the class you're in. He'll likely ask over time.

It sounds like a fun class!! Enjoy!!
Something I hear my instructor say when a new prospect arrives from another school; "Empty your cup." Meaning, of course, one must be willing to accept new information.

Elsewhere on this board, I read a wonderful quote a couple of years ago "If you want to know everything there is to know about Kenpo, ask a green belt". - When I read that quote, I was a green belt, and it kinda hit home. I was beginning to think that I was really "getting it", as far as kenpo is concerned. Of course, by the time I started working through the brown belt material, I was made aware of how incorrect that self-assessment had been.

So, as Bill Murray said in Stripes ...

"Now, do what I do. And, Say what I say. And make me proud."

Just go in, listen and learn.

Happy learning - Mike
Once again, thanks to everyone for the great advice. I will "empty my cup" and keep an open mind towards what new things I will get to learn.

Thanks to everyone!

:) :) :) :asian: :asian: :asian:
michaeledward said:
Something I hear my instructor say when a new prospect arrives from another school; "Empty your cup." Meaning, of course, one must be willing to accept new information.

Elsewhere on this board, I read a wonderful quote a couple of years ago "If you want to know everything there is to know about Kenpo, ask a green belt". - When I read that quote, I was a green belt, and it kinda hit home. I was beginning to think that I was really "getting it", as far as kenpo is concerned. Of course, by the time I started working through the brown belt material, I was made aware of how incorrect that self-assessment had been.

So, as Bill Murray said in Stripes ...

"Now, do what I do. And, Say what I say. And make me proud."

Just go in, listen and learn.

Happy learning - Mike
hmmm, where's adept when you need him?

"be the water my friend, be the water."

what was that guys name? hmmm...

enjoy the ride. :asian:
It's a fairly common practice around here to wear a white belt (unless you're told otherwise) when joining a new dojo or training in a different style, no matter what your rank in another art. If your experience makes you advance more quickly, then you'll advance in rank accordingly. But I wouldn't concern myself about him not specifically asking about your rank.

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