New Member Here


Orange Belt
My real name is Robert and I live in northern California in the United States. I've done some lurking on these forums for a couple weeks and finally decided to make an account myself for posting.

When I was a young little guy I did Tae Kwon Do for three years getting up to brown belt. I ended up quitting because I had issues with the instructor and once I got into eighth grade and beyond things were really hard for me emotionally for a multitude of reasons. Of course at that age I didn't realize that martial arts can often help you with things like depression and such but you live and you learn. Fairly recently I started up with a local Jujutsu school that also integrates Judo, Kempo and Aikido. The instructors are excellent and I'm having a great time learning the techniques and working out, plus I'm getting myself back into shape. I really couldn't be happier with the school.

I have a pretty strong interest in Bujinkan as well and have read some books by Soke Hatsumi but time will tell if I ever actually train in it. My extremely busy schedule gets in the way of being able to commute to where the only really legitimate training group is around me and at this point in time I'm really happy with Jujutsu.

Anyway I've dragged this on long enough so I hope I can get to know you guys and learn some things from what you have to offer.

Hey Robert, your outlook and attitude looks good. Martial arts are geared toward many things, self defense is only one of them. Welcome and enjoy the site, see you around the boards.
Hey Robert, welcome aboard. Books are great for your education and deepening your knowledge, but they don't really give you training in the system in question. But they may just give you new ideas to approach your jujutsu, which is very cool.
Thanks for the kind welcome everyone. Chris, you pointed out exactly what I'm using them for. They give a good understanding of the art and help with how I approach my training in martial arts. I'm a big history guy so that I kind of stuff is important to me. Plus Masaaki Hatsumi's books are enjoyable to read purely on their own merits.
Hey Robert,

Yeah, I'm with you on the history thing (as some here may attest....). Hatsumi's books tend to be written in a way that make them less-accessible to those not training in the systems (particularly the later ones, I must say), but if you're getting something out of them, great! Hope you enjoy it here!

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