I Guess I Should Say "Hi"

J Ellis

Green Belt
I've been around here for awhile, mostly lurking, occasionally commenting, but never formally introducing myself. Sorry to be rude. I am a regular contributor on KenpoTalk.

I train actively in Kenpo and Jujutsu and have prior training in Judo and American Karate. I live in Mississippi (USA). I'm a family man. I'm trying to learn and improve every day, in every way.

Joel Ellis
I'm glad you're here! I've been on MT for several months, and just got onto KenpoTalk, so we are twinkies.

I hope you understand that twinkies means twins. Otherwise that comment would just sound bizarre.
I realized after I posted my howdy-do that I joined MT a year ago. I had no idea I had been lurking so long.

Time flies when you are surfing.

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