new kid in town


MTS Alumni
any one ever heard of this guy? He just opened a dojo in my home town and I'm just curious to know about him in case some one asks. I have no intention of changing from my school but I have a great many friends who are interested in MA who will ask for a reference to a reputable school from time to time.
The path we choose at the Roanoke Bujinkan is our interpretation of the teachings of Masaaki Hatsumi, Soke, and Grandmaster of the internationally recognized Bujinkan System. The system is made up of the teachings and skills of nine ancient and battle proven Japanese Ryu (traditions, or systems). Three of them being Ninjutsu systems and the balance were Samurai. All nine are a look into the history of ancient Japans fighting systems with a different and unique emphasis on their individual martial methods and philosophies. They are a complete study of Kobudo, the old warrior ways. Below is a list of the nine ryu:

Togakure Ryu: “Hidden Door School”, Ninpo Taijutsu (Ninjutsu)

Gyokko Ryu: “Jewel Tiger School”, Koshijutsu

Kukishinden Ryu: “Nine Demons School”, Happo Hikenjutsu

Koto Ryu: “Tiger Knocking Down School”, Koppojutsu

Shindenfudo Ryu: “Immovable Heart School”, Dakentaijutsu Jutaijutsu

Takagi Yoshin Ryu: “High Tree, Raised Heart School”, Jutaijutsu

Gikan Ryu: “Truth, Loyalty, and Justice School”, Koppojutsu

Gyokushin Ryu: “Jeweled Heart School”, Kosshijutsu Ninjutsu

Kumogakure Ryu: “Hiding in the Clouds School”, Ninpo

(Is that a proper use of the term kobudo?) I haven't heard of him, but I have heard of the people he claims to have studied with--Bud Malmstrom, Stephen Hayes, and Maasaki Hatsumi. You might ask in the Ninjutsu forum.