new school in town


MTS Alumni
We've had a new ninjutsu open in my hometown. While I don't intend to leave my own style I do have a couple of friends who are very interested in ninjutsu. Here is a link to the web site. Please peruse the site and let me know if you know anything about this instructor. Just doin my homework before my buddies go to the school. Thanks in advance for your help.
Nice site. Well by credential, with 3 Shidoshi on staff with that much experience coupled with a nice looking dojo. Seems well worth the visit.
well ... I read the comments of one of them ... the guy sounds like he's full of $h!t to me ....

As an owner of the school, he didn't notice that someone wasn't attending? probably wasn't paying!

And then, if that story is true, he publicizes a rape story, without the permission of the victim.

Oh, Yeah .... that's the kind of guy I want to study with.
Looked at the site -- and the bio pf the 7th Dan, Mr. Duncan.
Reads well, sounds legitimate -- at least as far as background goes. The 'kami-za' featured in the 'home' photo seems accurate.

As mentioned, his claims to Bud Malmstrom and the Bujinkan could probably be checked by looking into one or more Bujin sites.

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