"New" Kenpo


Master Black Belt
Now that I have let the genie out of the bottle with the Rank thread, I want to create a new thread for "material."

Since Mr. Parker's death there have been "additions" to the curriculum such as Mr. Chapel's Sub-Level 4. Mr. Mills "Rhythmic Timing Patterns" and so on. At least I think these are additions. They seem to be promoted this way. Mr. Mills also seems to have picked up/expanded on the uses for and defenses against the club, gun and knife.

How does this stuff hold up? I don't have much experience with any of it. Is there other stuff out there?

Again, in some of the other threads I think the topics have drifted to "x has been added/changed" or "y has been added/changed" and I thought it might be useful to consolidate those comments here.

When I got the Journey for example, it seemed like Mr. Hancock was on a totally different sheet of music than what I had seen before and I have heard from some that he is absolutely amazing.

So what "new" stuff have you guys run into and how do you like it? This is my question. If more of this stuff came to town, I would go check it out myself. My goal here is not to get flamed but to ask a question. I have my instructors general support to go to pretty much any seminar or event that I want to so long as I maintain my training at the studio and learn our curriculum so I assure you that I am not breaking any kind of rule by merely raising this line of thought. It is a beneficial feature of a site like MartialTalk that we can get together and chat without having to take 3 or more days off to cross the country and descend on some hotel or campsite.

Thank you all in advance for the contiued support of research and the seeking of knowledge.
Hi Doug,
You are asking a very honest question and one that my instructor and I had a couple years ago. We attended an AKKI open seminar and REALLY liked what we saw, we changed associations almost overnight. We both liked the direction the AKKI we're headed in and what they had done to "innovate" the art. It was a perfect fit for us, but may not be for everyone. My advice for you is to meet and work out with someone from the AKKI and form your own opinion. You have heard mine and there are practitioners with a completely opposite opinion which is fine too. We all find what is best for us. If you look at the links page of the AKKI website, you will find 3 schools/clubs in Texas. Try and get ahold of one of the instructors in your state that is relatively close to you(I know Texas is huge) and see if you can get together with them. It is better to see and feel for yourself than to form an opinion from other's opinions. Just my thoughts and hope it helped.
Thanks Mace,

I'm not likely to change schools or instructors (before 5th anyway :) ) but there was another thread where we were all talking about "hidden moves" and "extras" and "stuff to be developed later" and it is along this line that I wonder what else Kenpo has that is being brought out by other teachers and groups.

I am making an effort to get to some extra seminars this year and I have bumped into some guys from Dr. Chapel and other groups but I have not had a chance to ask them to show me anything. I'll try harder to that this year though.
Originally posted by cdhall

Now that I have let the genie out of the bottle with the Rank thread, I want to create a new thread for "material."

Since Mr. Parker's death there have been "additions" to the curriculum such as Mr. Chapel's Sub-Level 4. Mr. Mills "Rhythmic Timing Patterns" and so on. At least I think these are additions. They seem to be promoted this way. Mr. Mills also seems to have picked up/expanded on the uses for and defenses against the club, gun and knife.

How does this stuff hold up? I don't have much experience with any of it. Is there other stuff out there?

When I got the Journey for example, it seemed like Mr. Hancock was on a totally different sheet of music than what I had seen before and I have heard from some that he is absolutely amazing.

So what "new" stuff have you guys run into and how do you like it? This is my question. If more of this stuff came to town, I would go check it out myself.

Thank you all in advance for the contiued support of research and the seeking of knowledge.


I understand your question, but I think the best way to answer these questions is to experience it for yourself. What may amaze one may just mean they haven't been exposed to it.

The bottom line is that it's all from the SGM. Their base was Parker and none of them deny that.

You ask, and are somewhat intrigued by the idea that someone may have improved on a system you love. In the final analysis its about basics, sweating, putting time on the mat and in the square....oh, and not being locked in a closet so you can see and experience what others are working on.

Just because you visit someone elses church doesn't mean your leaving your faith. Your very fortunate to be able to train locally with who you do and that they are open minded. That is a gift.

Who did you meet under Chape'l in Texas? Marty, when he was here in Texas a few year back?

Yes Jason,

I am fortunate to be where I'm at now and I don't expect to leave. That is very unlikely. I've been here 12 years already and was glad to get here in the first place.

I don't know Marty. But I met someone 2 years ago at Mr. Parker Jrs seminar who had on what I thought was Dr. Chapel's patch. Maybe it was an AKKI patch now that I think of it. He was a guy I recognized from the late 80s when I was doing tournaments. If I see someone like this again I'll be more inquisitive.

Also, some of these guys don't come to Texas much. Although this year is pretty booked-up for me, I do want to see some of the people I have not met.

I have a goal of taking a seminar or class from everyone I can who is in the Journey and having them autograph my book only after I have "trained" with them. I'm luck so far to have trained with 6 of them and met and interviewed 9 of them on the Homecoming tape. I'll post a link to that tape in the ProShop.

I agree with you that "feel is to believe" but since I may not live long enough to go try everything I thought I would solicit opinions here. That is really my aim. To save me some time and money I guess.

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