New IKMA video from the instructor course in Portugal


Orange Belt
Featuring Grand Master Haim Gidon (Imi's highest ranked student) and Yigal Arbiv (Chief Israeli Instructor and 4th Dan IKMA Black-Belt)

Good stuff... Love the blip at the end :drinky:
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Some more great ones:
<- Go to around 4:30 if you want to skip to something amazing :O
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AWESOME clips Chris!!! 2 thumbs up! :ultracool:ultracool
Got another one:
This one is from a seminar in Poland in January 2010. Just found it. It's short, but sweet. :)
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Mods, new rule please; No more IKMA / Haim Gidon videos until they have representation in the western US... (AZ specifically). Thanks.

:) cool clips, I didn't see this one posted;

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Mods, new rule please; No more IKMA / Haim Gidon videos until they have representation in the western US... (AZ specifically). Thanks.

:) cool clips, I didn't see this one posted;

We'll be there eventually. Need capable people to come through our instructors course who would be willing to stay in contact and continue training through David Kahn and Grand Master Haim (when he's in the US). We try to be about quality-control within the IKMA, and since we are (the US-HQ) based in NJ, it's very hard to spread too far out without losing something (which is the last thing we'd want).

I didn't post that video you linked to because it's from ~2 years ago, even though it still is insanely awesome. :p Yigal is absolutely amazing... Can't wait to train with him and Grand Master Haim again in ~9 days :D
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