Imi Lichtenfeld and the IKMA's ground system


Orange Belt

I would like to thank Michal Gidon (Haim Gidon's wife) for having a video camera from the time of her first son's birth and capturing many IKMA/Imi-moments on video, and I would also like to thank my friend and Chief IKMA Instructor of Portugal, Vitor Martins for beginning to convert these videos into a digital format for the world to see.

I was training in Netanya Israel less than a week ago at the original gym that Imi started the IKMA at and that Grand Master Haim Gidon continues on... The same gym shown in this video. I was lucky enough to see this video in full and unedited. This is for the people who say "ground fighting gets you killed" or that it's too "MMA-ish" - Not knowing how to defend a good MMA fighter or a BJJ fighter is what can get you killed, Imi saw and understood this, even before MMA/BJJ were prevalent, 17 years ago, which is why he approved it.

I'm not trying to stir-up controversy, how could I be? This is video evidence, no controversy is needed here. I'm merely trying to bring-forth the truth.

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