New Gym ahead


Orange Belt
I found a Gym in the Romanian National Sport Complex " Lia Manoliu" near National Arena wich teaches muay thai and they claim to be a performance club. They accept people with no previous muay thai experience and they will teach you and train you since they want to make you learn fresh the way they'r teaching, i guess, but they require you to pass certain tests. First consists of 40 pushups without stopping, second 1 min of situps, third... 300 m sprint in under 1 min, and 1 mile 10 minute run.
I'm off my way to train and ace these tests, if not just pass em. What do you think?
I'm 1.82 m tall and 95 kg .... So im a heavyweight i guess. i can struggle my way to do the pushups and sprint and i might do the situps but the mile... i wont make in time XD.
I'm in need of serious rocky-style training any advice for me? shoudl i join another more avaible gym meantime? the other avaible gym for me has kickboxing, mma, bjj, and boxing avaible and its really close to the campus. what shoudl i pick?
I found a Gym in the Romanian National Sport Complex " Lia Manoliu" near National Arena wich teaches muay thai and they claim to be a performance club. They accept people with no previous muay thai experience and they will teach you and train you since they want to make you learn fresh the way they'r teaching, i guess, but they require you to pass certain tests. First consists of 40 pushups without stopping, second 1 min of situps, third... 300 m sprint in under 1 min, and 1 mile 10 minute run.
I'm off my way to train and ace these tests, if not just pass em. What do you think?
I'm 1.82 m tall and 95 kg .... So im a heavyweight i guess. i can struggle my way to do the pushups and sprint and i might do the situps but the mile... i wont make in time XD.
I'm in need of serious rocky-style training any advice for me? shoudl i join another more avaible gym meantime? the other avaible gym for me has kickboxing, mma, bjj, and boxing avaible and its really close to the campus. what shoudl i pick?
None of that should be too hard to train to if you're already pretty fit. The mile isn't as hard as you think if you're in shape. Because of problems with my legs I rarely run more than once a month, and I can still run a mile in under 10 minutes. A 6-minute mile is pretty fast (for mortals), and a 10-minute mile is pretty slow. Start by running a half-mile, and train the pace up to that 5-minute mark, then a bit beyond. When you can consistently run that in about 4.5 minutes, drop the pace back and run a mile. You'll probably find that a 10-minute mile isn't any harder than a 4.5 minute half-mile.

I wish they'd drop the sit-ups requirement. Those things are not good for your back when done regularly or in quantity, and there are other ways to test core strength. Don't over-do the sit-ups.
I found a Gym in the Romanian National Sport Complex " Lia Manoliu" near National Arena wich teaches muay thai and they claim to be a performance club. They accept people with no previous muay thai experience and they will teach you and train you since they want to make you learn fresh the way they'r teaching, i guess, but they require you to pass certain tests. First consists of 40 pushups without stopping, second 1 min of situps, third... 300 m sprint in under 1 min, and 1 mile 10 minute run.
I'm off my way to train and ace these tests, if not just pass em. What do you think?
I'm 1.82 m tall and 95 kg .... So im a heavyweight i guess. i can struggle my way to do the pushups and sprint and i might do the situps but the mile... i wont make in time XD.
I'm in need of serious rocky-style training any advice for me? shoudl i join another more avaible gym meantime? the other avaible gym for me has kickboxing, mma, bjj, and boxing avaible and its really close to the campus. what shoudl i pick?
You're really not in need of serious rocky training for that stuff. Just a general workout for a couple weeks and you'll be fine. Your size and weight makes no difference to anything anyone who trains to do that stuff can do it.

40 press ups can be difficult but a few weeks of doing press ups you'll be fine do 10 one day and add 5 each time.

300 metres in 1 minute easy enough. I'm not a sprinter at all literally when I did sprint races at school I was always last and I managed to do 100 in under 10 seconds. So 300 in a minute shouldn't be much of a issue for anyone.

1 minute sit ups. Very easy since there's no set number and can go as slow as you like.

1 mile in ten minutes again that's not that much. I mean you're a young guy you should be able to do that. My 55 year old diabetic mum can run a mile in 8 minutes.

I really think you're over thinking those tests and think they're harder than they are. But again if you want to train there then do the tests if not go to the other place
the situps thingy is actually counted u fail if less than 40, but to be honest, i love the idea of attempting rocky style worckouts XD... of course i aint gonna run 10 miles and i'm far fro more arm pushups but still.. ill adapt it.