Calisthenics ( full body worckout) out of gym for muay thai


Orange Belt
Recommended or not? I mean... calisthenics seem to be way more natural that regular "lifting" at you'r regular fitness gym. So i decided to take ona calisthenics program wich i hope to boost my condition. Will it be proficient for muay thai? Are there any downsides to it too?
Exercise is exercise its better than doing nothing and can I ask though you're posting all this about work outs for Muay Thai but have you actually started Muay Thai yet? Because you know you may not even like it
Exercise is exercise its better than doing nothing and can I ask though you're posting all this about work outs for Muay Thai but have you actually started Muay Thai yet? Because you know you may not even like it

haven't started it yet... and came to think of it , you're right man i should give up ill stick to studying... it was a big dream but i guess its better off this way... but who knows... i might come back here fresh from the gym one day... wont post here anything until then/// think of it a s vow of silence ;)

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