New Floor Question


3rd Black Belt
Hello everyone It is me adam back with more questions. I have been looking at prices for a floor for my future dojo that I may be getting. The new place witch I am getting a better deal on rent and nicer landlord. The floor is title it is 700 Sf. Carpet is $800.00 and Puzzle mats are $400.00
Just wondering how they hold up there not the ones AWMA or century sells but they are close to those puzzle mats.

Please let me know are puzzle mats are better way to go do they hold up and easy to clean?
IMO, puzzle mats would be easier to clean, plus easier on the body than the carpet would be. Plus it's cheaper than carpet and you can take it with you where ever you go, should you have to move to a bigger building in the future, and you can always add on.
Adam that sounds really exciting! Congrats! a student I would much rather train on puzzle mats than carpet. The school I used to attend had them and they held up fine, although they probably aren't the best choice for a school that has hundreds of students. So...once you get rich and famous, you may need new mats :D but to start out, they are a great choice.
I have worked out on both carpet and puzzle mats, I vote for puzzle mats. As far as them lasting, think of it this way, carpet will only last maybe three years, if that, and if it does last that long, it will be pretty disgusting by the end of its life. Mats, well as you state, they are half the price, so you can lay down two floors for the price of the carpet. That's a new floor every 18 months, if needed.

I have a 3500 square foot training area, 3300 of which is puzzle mats. I can't tell you how long they last yet, cause I'm a new facility, but they look and feel great! A bit slick, being new, but getting better every day.

Again, I vote for puzzle mats!!
My instructor built the current studio in '94, we are still on the first carpet. Some of the seams are beginning to fray now, and need to be taped down, but one floor after 15 years is a bit different than one every three, or every 15 months. The floor is still perfectly good, it isn't "nasty" at all, it is short weave carpet that is cleaned regularly. We don't allow street shoes on it, but that is about the extent of the "special care" taken.

Puzzle mats are a good surface, and are probably better suited to a less than permanent studio.
As a student just starting again.
I have trained on Tile(gym), Carpet, and now the puzzle mats.

I love the puzzle mats. They are a bit slick being new. But even in the beginners class, and in some sparring we have had, I have't seen anyone fall due to the floor being slick. (actualy it kind of helps in learing some of the reverse techniques because it is easier to spin).

From talking to the owner of the dojo, the puzzle mats do tacky up with use. (nice way of saying people sweating on them ect).

but his one word of caution that happend at another dojo with the mats, is to only wipe them down to clean them, don't use a lot of water.

The mats will soak it up, and you want notice until later, when you go for that next cleaning and the puzzle mats don't hold any more and seep water out when you step on them. (think of a sponge and how a little water over time can keep adding up till it is saturated). That dojo had to go and replace all those mats because they were runied.

So they are great, but just damp wipe them if any areas need cleaning.
Hey Adam just an FYI that all puzzle mat's are not created equal. Some pop up more and do not stay layed down as well as the one's through Century or Asian World. If you are going to put in a floor particularly with puzzle mats that are in general cheap do not go with the cheapest as they warp here in Michigan's climate. Just an FYI.
IMO, puzzle mats would be easier to clean, plus easier on the body than the carpet would be. Plus it's cheaper than carpet and you can take it with you where ever you go, should you have to move to a bigger building in the future, and you can always add on.

What he said...
IMO, puzzle mats would be easier to clean, plus easier on the body than the carpet would be. Plus it's cheaper than carpet and you can take it with you where ever you go, should you have to move to a bigger building in the future, and you can always add on.

I agree I have them and love em, they are great for everything
Me too - of course, it's only been a few months, but I love them! I clean mine with my Hoover Floormate.

Yes they are simple to clean and take care of. I just vaccum mine and then about once a month mop them with the swifter thingy. (the house as the Training Hall get's mopped more often
the mats will work well for you if you really want mats.. personally I like hard wood floor for training. our school has one and we like it..
Where have you found such a great price? I went with carpet (which is working out well) because the mats for 1000 sq feet were so much more expensive.

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