Never really knew...


Blue Belt
Nov 24, 2008
Reaction score
San Antonio
Man I never really knew what Wing Chun was before I youtubed it. I mean Ive seen the style just never put a name to it. I love this style of fighting. Too bad there are no schools in my area.
My son is in S.A. (at Trinity) and while there's lots of FMA there we've also done WC and didn't notice any there! But, he has no car and no time so it doesn't much matter now. Maybe when he's a lazy senior!
Arnisador, there are a couple of wing chunners in Austin, or one might be in Marble Falls, if I remember along the I-35 corridor. Austin is only 78 miles from S.A., and Marble Falls less so. There are some good ones in both Dallas, and Houston, though some have mixed their Wing chun with escrima, kali, or MMA.
Just looks like a really fun art. As well as something to help with quickness of the hands. Am I wrong here?
Just looks like a really fun art. As well as something to help with quickness of the hands. Am I wrong here?
I find it fun, but surely that depends on you, your teacher and a whole host of other things - not necessarily the art itself. Many things can be fun given the right environment.

Quickness of hands: WC has certainly speeded mine up. See. You didn't even see that, did you? :)
Wounderful, Post. What areas are you guys from?

Wing Chun may go by a different name in your area.

Ving Tsun
Yung Chun
Yong Chun
Wing Tsun
Weng Chun
Vinh Xuan Quyen Phai
Vinh Xuan

Here is Directory of Wing Chun Schools:

I hope the info I provided helps someone!

I was doing some light sparring at a Tai Chi class. An this Tae Kwon Do/Chen Fighter was like Man your hands are really fast. Its mostly do to encomony of Motion and striking from any where instead of chambering the punch or kick.

Does anyone practice Chain kicks?

well i certainly enjoy my wing chun and it has made me slightly faster too so i guess you are correct :)
Just looks like a really fun art. As well as something to help with quickness of the hands. Am I wrong here?

i like it a lot. It's something I can see myself doing when I'm older.
no high kicks for me! :)
the only thing about high kicks is you have to stay limber by strecthing. Strecth the hamstrings,groin and thighs and calfs. These are the main parts of the leg you need to strecth along with hips.

i like it a lot. It's something I can see myself doing when I'm older.
no high kicks for me! :)
There is a EBMAS school in San Antonio and a Wing Tsun school in San Antonio. (at least last time I checked.)

Here's a website I just googled for ya. This should be a pretty good school. Check it out if it's nearby.
I dont stay in Texas but I will still look at the school how is everyone doing on thread tonight?
I dont stay in Texas but I will still look at the school how is everyone doing on thread tonight?

Pardon, he's not EBMAS anymore. Just got a WC/WT political update. I don't know, whatever, he does Wing Tsun, good to start with, OI?!
Sorry, don't keep up with the "buzz" like I should, I guess... :)
Okay what is he now?

I don't know! lol! Ask hubbie, he's the one that tells me this stuff, and then I get it all confused. Probably because I don't really care that much on the lineage thing. Hubbie told me wrong that's all, anyways just look at the site, it should have his lineage on there.
It sounds all very confusing to me too?

I don't know! lol! Ask hubbie, he's the one that tells me this stuff, and then I get it all confused. Probably because I don't really care that much on the lineage thing. Hubbie told me wrong that's all, anyways just look at the site, it should have his lineage on there.