netflix vs blockbuster


Master Black Belt
ok, so when I lose my roommates in a couple weeks I am going to cut out the cable and switch it up to either netflix or blockbuster's new netflix-like program.

So I am asking you.... which is better?

They seem to be the same price for the same program

With blockbuster you can return movies to the actual store and get another one right away, versus waiting for netflix to ship on a business day. But movies rented at the store have to be returned to the store (you can't mail them in).

I am GUESSING (but don't know) that netflix has a better selection (hopefully lots of those old and hard to find martial art movies!)

So... does anyone have either of these programs and want to give your opinion?

Much appreciated!
ok, so when I lose my roommates in a couple weeks I am going to cut out the cable and switch it up to either netflix or blockbuster's new netflix-like program.

So I am asking you.... which is better?

They seem to be the same price for the same program

With blockbuster you can return movies to the actual store and get another one right away, versus waiting for netflix to ship on a business day. But movies rented at the store have to be returned to the store (you can't mail them in).

I am GUESSING (but don't know) that netflix has a better selection (hopefully lots of those old and hard to find martial art movies!)

So... does anyone have either of these programs and want to give your opinion?

Much appreciated!

I like Blockbuster. For now, anyway, when you return the mail one at the store, it gets credited immediately, and the next one of your selections is mailed right away. In the meantime, you also get a free video from the store for each mailed video you return.
I used to have both (Blockbuster previously, then Netflix). Now I don't have either of these. However, I do like Netflix better. They have a much better selection and we can make a list of what we want. We can view as often as we like according to our schedule, then when ready, just mail it back. They mail pretty quickly though, so the wait for the next movie doesn't take too long. Blockbuster rarely have what I want (as far as MA movies go), so I have to seek elsewhere anyway.

It's been a few years since I had Blockbuster, so perhaps their inventory has improved?

- Ceicei
Since I watch LOADS of documentaries (historical mostly), Netflix is far superior for my needs. Yours may vary. However; the nicest thing for me about getting Netflix was that I no longer had to patronize Blockbuster (service and pricing were PHENOMENALLY bad, in my experience).
I like Blockbuster. For now, anyway, when you return the mail one at the store, it gets credited immediately, and the next one of your selections is mailed right away. In the meantime, you also get a free video from the store for each mailed video you return.
These two points are the major advantages of Blockbuster. In addition, you can print a coupon once a week for a free rental from the store.
I have done both and occassionally do both, but I prefer netflix, their recs are better and for the obscure things I find them better. The only downside to netflix, is they like to take DVD sets that have double sided dvds and turn it into 2 dvds....that is the one place I find blockbuster surperior....
I had netflix and moved to BlockBuster. I prefer block buster simply because of the local convience and you get free extra coupons for movies and now games at local stores.

Issues Block Buster has the right to edit its movies so what you get may not be what was in the theater but that is very rare.

they have similar pricing plans; I chose Blockbuster because I can return the mailer and get a freebie. The local Blockbuster is only 4 miles away.
I'm a huge netflix fan. Been a member for years. Once we decided to switch to blockbuster so we could have the in store benefits they offer. Ack, it was no good. They were slow, didn't have a good selection, and it was an overall PITA. We promptly switched back to netflix. Perhaps blockbuster has improved since then, but I won't go back to them.
I too have had both- I prefer netflix mainly for the selection AND availability. Blockbuster was almost always behind when I wanted a newer release
I too have had both- I prefer netflix mainly for the selection AND availability. Blockbuster was almost always behind when I wanted a newer release
The trick with Blockbuster is adding movies to your queue well before the release date. They prioritize by who's had the movie in their queue the longest.
Thanks for all the replies!!

I think I'll go with blockbuster first, and then if I feel like I can't get the movies I want I'll switch it up to netflix.

Thanks again!