So... you wanna plan a mission to Mars?

I presume one of the goals of this trip would be to establish a colony capable of sustaining not just life, but civilization. While 24 people might be able to colonize (if we're really careful about the genetic implications...) they certainly would not be able to maintain anything resembling our level of technology and civilization.

well, i didn't imply to send only 24...but a heck less than several thousand... :)
then again, the American continent is believed to have been settle by a groupd from Asia of no more than maybe 24 the rock would not have to hold that many people. (and why would we want to export this many people to the galaxy...I thought we came in peace...)

nah. Current theory has it that there were several waves of migration, and that they might not all have crossed the Bering Land bridge-some may have been maritime, and come from Southeast Asia, or even what would become Japan, amongst the Jomon people.

It's sacrilege, but some of them may have even come from Europe.......
nah. Current theory has it that there were several waves of migration, and that they might not all have crossed the Bering Land bridge-some may have been maritime, and come from Southeast Asia, or even what would become Japan, amongst the Jomon people.

It's sacrilege, but some of them may have even come from Europe.......

LOL, man I wish I could see that documentary again...they took DNA samples of the 'native' folk. Followed the trail from the African low lands through Asia to the Americas.

No wonder we are so retarded: the gene pool was very shallow to begin with! ;)

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