Negative ion's improves the training?

Tell me about it!

An Australian athlete, Raylene Boyle, fininshed second to East German athlete Renee Stecher twice (100m and 200m) in the Munich Olympics. Stecher later admitted to being part of the pharmaceutical performance enhancement program.

Ms. Boyle, in the end, probably came off way, way better than the cheat who `beat' her. Ms. Stecher is very likely a hormonal train wreck, probably infertile, with significant organ damage, and at serious risk for statistically rare and very likely untreatable cancer, if she hasn't developed it already, as a number of prominent Soviet bloc athletes have. Many of the coaches, sports bureaucrats and team doctors responsible for tragedies like that are still at large in Germany, hence all those lawsuits. A New York Times story on the death of the ex-Nazi who became the head of the East German international sports doping program says it all. Note the following interesting excerpt about the East Germans' reliance on steroids for their Olympic successes:

It was disclosed in previously secret documents and in court that as many as 10,000 athletes had been given banned substances, primarily muscle-building steroids, to lift their performances.

Many of the athletes were minors and were given ''little blue pills'' without their knowledge under a system known by the Orwellian euphemism of ''supporting means.'' The consequences have been severe. A number of athletes have developed health problems, including cancer, ovarian cysts and liver dysfunction. Some have given birth to babies who were blind or had club feet. A champion shot-putter, Heidi Krieger, developed so many male characteristics after heavy steroid use that Krieger said it played a role in the decision to have a sex-change operation and take the name Andreas Krieger.

See here for the full, disgusting story.

Maybe the negative ion generators were there to make them feel better about cheating.

No doubt. :rolleyes: The idea that these Soviet bloc teams turned in the performances they did because of negative ion generators or whatever, given what is known about those teams, is... well, beyond belief!
Hello, Studies shows "negative ions" are produce like at Nigara Falls, and people feel better? ....and the Russians use for there athlete's and won many medals? ....there must be some truths to ;NEGATIVE IONS"s....

Not really. I can inject any athlete with the best of steroids, and not care about their health. With today's weight training methods, they would easily obliterate any of the so-called Soviet supermen from the Olympics.

If anything, that's enough reason for the Olympic Committee to strip those athletes of their medals, and rightfully award them to the athletes who didn't use steroids.

Negative ions had absolutely nothing to do with their performances. The examples that exile stated are genuine, and show a chilling insight into how those Soviet and East German "supermen" were treated. If you look at those people now, you'll see that many of them are wasting husks of what they formerly were, and are now paying the price for their chemical abuses.

Find the right or best device? ....that is produce? ....that works like at Nigara Falls? ......producing negative ions? ......this is the hard part? can you telll which device is the right one?

I already told you a better, and cheaper, way. Replace your spun glass-fiber air filters on your air conditioning units with better quality ones, and you'll notice an improvement in the air quality.
Hello, Hard work, determintion,honesty, is still use by many today!

At the same time? ...many are looking for "shortcut's" to improve and out perform everyone win, no matter the cost?....Can we change this?

For those who are honest? least you know you are doing the right thing! ...for your health, body, and mind!

Aloha ( need help with the shortcut? ....which way?)
And, if you wish, you can make or buy a waterfall for inside the house or yoga room.:)

If nothing else, waterfalls do add moisture and circulation to the air as well as give calming white noise. This may be why some people feel better being near waterfalls, breaking ocean waves, and running streams/rivers.

- Ceicei
For those who are honest? least you know you are doing the right thing! ...for your health, body, and mind!
From reading this forum, its very clear to me that no reputable Teacher would ever have their students to take steroids or such things. Good Martial Arts students would not sacrifice their own health for competition.
Ceicei said:
If nothing else, waterfalls do add moisture and circulation to the air as well as give calming white noise. This may be why some people feel better being near waterfalls, breaking ocean waves, and running streams/rivers.
Yes, and also, it is something fancy to show off to any guests that come by the house.
Good Martial Arts students would not sacrifice their own health for competition.

I'll disagree with that, I've seen several "good martial art students" do some pretty stupid things in the name of their martial art.

Thai boxers, often trash their bodies at a very young age.... great martial artists who sacrifice their bodies for competition.

You've seen those master breakers with the built up callouses on their hands? Most wind up with arthritis in their later lives, and several are on record as saying to not do what they did.

The number of competitive martial artists who are winding up needing hip replacement surgery is pretty scary, again, sacrificed in the name of their art. The question is, do they as presumably "good teachers" continue to recommend the techniques that made them famous?

Being a good martial artists often seems to come with a somewhat obsessive personality, and those personalities can go overboard quite easily.

Being a good martial artists often seems to come with a somewhat obsessive personality, and those personalities can go overboard quite easily.

That's an interesting observation... it suggests that a lot of martial artists are driven by a kind of uncontrolled perfectionism (perfectionism being the ultimate expression of obsessive-compulsiveness: nothing is perfect, therefore as a perfectionist you find nothing good enough, nothing well enough done, and so it has to be returned to again and again and again...).

Just as a matter of curiosity, how many folk whom you know who do MAs very seriously, yourselves included, have compulsive perfectionist personalities, would you say?
Good point, Lamont, and one that totally escaped me.

To Exile, I can only speak for myself. I can have a tendency to obsessively think about some tasks, and try for perfection, but in some areas of my life I can be satisfied with mediocrity.
State sponsored steroid use for men and women.

Google "We came here to swim, not sing"
Just as a matter of curiosity, how many folk whom you know who do MAs very seriously, yourselves included, have compulsive perfectionist personalities, would you say?

Funny you ask that question Exile!!! I must admit that I know a fair few overly compulsive and/or obsessive people who are seriously into the Martial Arts business. Myself included....with a tendency to go overboard in areas of my life. I call it being dedicated to a task though- or even striving to be the best :)

Hell.....maybe it's just my ego...LOL
Just as a matter of curiosity, how many folk whom you know who do MAs very seriously, yourselves included, have compulsive perfectionist personalities, would you say?

Of the 7 black belts who are currently active in our school, I would say three have that "perfectionist" personality. That percentage is much higher than in the school population as a whole.


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