Tell me about it!
An Australian athlete, Raylene Boyle, fininshed second to East German athlete Renee Stecher twice (100m and 200m) in the Munich Olympics. Stecher later admitted to being part of the pharmaceutical performance enhancement program.
Ms. Boyle, in the end, probably came off way, way better than the cheat who `beat' her. Ms. Stecher is very likely a hormonal train wreck, probably infertile, with significant organ damage, and at serious risk for statistically rare and very likely untreatable cancer, if she hasn't developed it already, as a number of prominent Soviet bloc athletes have. Many of the coaches, sports bureaucrats and team doctors responsible for tragedies like that are still at large in Germany, hence all those lawsuits. A New York Times story on the death of the ex-Nazi who became the head of the East German international sports doping program says it all. Note the following interesting excerpt about the East Germans' reliance on steroids for their Olympic successes:
It was disclosed in previously secret documents and in court that as many as 10,000 athletes had been given banned substances, primarily muscle-building steroids, to lift their performances.
Many of the athletes were minors and were given ''little blue pills'' without their knowledge under a system known by the Orwellian euphemism of ''supporting means.'' The consequences have been severe. A number of athletes have developed health problems, including cancer, ovarian cysts and liver dysfunction. Some have given birth to babies who were blind or had club feet. A champion shot-putter, Heidi Krieger, developed so many male characteristics after heavy steroid use that Krieger said it played a role in the decision to have a sex-change operation and take the name Andreas Krieger.
Many of the athletes were minors and were given ''little blue pills'' without their knowledge under a system known by the Orwellian euphemism of ''supporting means.'' The consequences have been severe. A number of athletes have developed health problems, including cancer, ovarian cysts and liver dysfunction. Some have given birth to babies who were blind or had club feet. A champion shot-putter, Heidi Krieger, developed so many male characteristics after heavy steroid use that Krieger said it played a role in the decision to have a sex-change operation and take the name Andreas Krieger.
See here for the full, disgusting story.
Maybe the negative ion generators were there to make them feel better about cheating.
No doubt.