Need some ideas

I have a ton of respect for the art of Aikido, don't let my comment confuse you. But, in my experience, (what little I do have, bar fights, etc.) Aikido had limited practical application until higher Dans.
It's too difficult to use such fine motor skills when in the heat of the moment.

So devote the time and effort necessary. You sound like someone who seeks instant gratification. There is far more to martial arts than being able to punch one's way out of a bar fight with a modicum of training. If that's all you want, you'll be missing a lot, like 90% of what martial arts is.

But given what you seem to be describing, find a boxer and take private lessons. You will be able to effectively defend yourself in short order.
Is a confidence thing. And I have taught a few people. I just don't have the confidence because I have next to no traditional training, and always assumed I needed that to start an actual school
Anyone can start a mcdojo. But don't do it. A club is another thing entirely, quite ok to have all beginners, but you will need to find some proper instruction to feed good training.
So devote the time and effort necessary. You sound like someone who seeks instant gratification. There is far more to martial arts than being able to punch one's way out of a bar fight with a modicum of training. If that's all you want, you'll be missing a lot, like 90% of what martial arts is.

But given what you seem to be describing, find a boxer and take private lessons. You will be able to effectively defend yourself in short order.

And you seem quite presumptuous. I've spoke with 4 mma fighters and have all told me that in a life or death situation aikido will get you killed every time.
Unless you have 60+ years to devote. I do not, but found two fighters who are going to help me. So your semi offensive remark is null. But thanks?
And you seem quite presumptuous. I've spoke with 4 mma fighters and have all told me that in a life or death situation aikido will get you killed every time.
Unless you have 60+ years to devote. I do not, but found two fighters who are going to help me. So your semi offensive remark is null. But thanks?

You have no idea how ridiculous you sound to real martial artists right now. Trust me, eyes are rolling, coffee is being snorted through noses.

I meant no offense, but I'm allowed to presume a little, I've been through the fire. You haven't. I wish you the best of luck, I once had all the answers as well. Life adjusted my attitude and it was...painful. Good for you, choosing the long painful route like I did.
This little town I live in has NO martial arts schools, what are some ideas to obtain proper training?
Would taking to some ex-mma fighters be an acceptable route to try?
Here is a couple ideas:
1) ask the local high school wrestling coach. Maybe he could offer you some training or give suggestions.
2) contact the local VFW, Legion, or police department and ask about self defense classes.
LOL i like your attitude Bill Mattocks, sounds like you've been around the block a few (hundred) times.

BTittle, Just a suggestion but Have you searched to see if anyone does online (Skype) training? we do live in the information age.
You have no idea how ridiculous you sound to real martial artists right now. Trust me, eyes are rolling, coffee is being snorted through noses.

I meant no offense, but I'm allowed to presume a little, I've been through the fire. You haven't. I wish you the best of luck, I once had all the answers as well. Life adjusted my attitude and it was...painful. Good for you, choosing the long painful route like I did.
Are you telling me that you don't believe in the MMA guys?? The same guys that pick and mixes stuff from traditional martials? Saaaay Whaaat!!! lol.
Sorry for asking some asinine questions. I'll take my leave.
If you are still here then my Sifu might be willing to teach you a few things. He's working on some ideas with distant learning. You can contact him through here Jow Ga Kung Fu Academy
Ask him if he's doing distant learning. He may or may not try to teach you as he's gotten really picky these days.
Are you telling me that you don't believe in the MMA guys?? The same guys that pick and mixes stuff from traditional martials? Saaaay Whaaat!!! lol.

Four MMA guys told him he'd have to train until he's 60 to be able to make Akido work. Yeah, seems legit. What was I thinking?
And you seem quite presumptuous. I've spoke with 4 mma fighters and have all told me that in a life or death situation aikido will get you killed every time.
Unless you have 60+ years to devote. I do not, but found two fighters who are going to help me. So your semi offensive remark is null. But thanks?
And they know this based on their lengthy record of life or death battles?

Aikido CAN be a very effective tool for self defense -- if it's trained with that goal in mind. Which means taking it outside the pretty environment of the dojo, forcing yourself to use it under pressure, and seeking to actually understand the techniques and thier use rather than blindly trusting to repetition of the kata.

Or it can be a granola powered hippy "harmony dance"...
And you seem quite presumptuous. I've spoke with 4 mma fighters and have all told me that in a life or death situation aikido will get you killed every time.
Unless you have 60+ years to devote. I do not, but found two fighters who are going to help me. So your semi offensive remark is null. But thanks?

And how much actual training and experience do these people have with Aikido?

Incidentally, I'm amazed that you can find so many "ex-MMA fighters" in a town with, from what you've said, no actual schools.
This little town I live in has NO martial arts schools, what are some ideas to obtain proper training?

Frankly, move. If there isn't any option to actually receive training where you are, you need to go to where the training is available. To think anything else is to be delusional, and suffer from an entitlement complex… of which far too many young people today do already.

This, frankly, is the problem with this "information age"… it gives people the impression that they should be able to have anything they want when and where they have want them to be, regardless of the reality…

Would taking to some ex-mma fighters be an acceptable route to try?

Acceptable to who? For what? What is your actual aim?

Alternatively, you can always try to start up a class. I'm currently reading BryceSPQR's book on how to start a school/club/etc. and he lays out very clearly what you need to do. If you have 20 years of practicing, may be worth giving it a try.
BryceSPQR if you want to message him about it.

Honestly, I have some issues with this advice… mainly in that, as far as I can tell, while the OP claims 20 years of "experience", that experience seems to be largely non-existent (I am waiting to hear clarification on that… but the idea is supported by his comments here and in other threads). Additionally, even if it has some basis, we don't know what his experience is in (art/system-wise)… who knows if he's able to teach it?

Honestly, I need to get anyone willing to come up here and help teach me so I can, but do it proper, where people aren't at risk. But when I get the training I would LOVE to start a school.

Start a school of what? Get people to teach you what? "Martial arts" aren't just one thing… they are wildly different in many ways… and just because you have someone teaching you aspects of one doesn't mean you have any real knowledge or grasp of anything else.

I have a ton of respect for the art of Aikido, don't let my comment confuse you. But, in my experience, (what little I do have, bar fights, etc.) Aikido had limited practical application until higher Dans.
It's too difficult to use such fine motor skills when in the heat of the moment.

Who says it's fine motor? Some Aikido is quite gross motor, when you get down to it… but of course, here we again start to look at the minimalist experience you have had with regard to martial arts…

Is a confidence thing. And I have taught a few people. I just don't have the confidence because I have next to no traditional training, and always assumed I needed that to start an actual school

"Little to no traditional training"… "what little (experience) I do have, bar fights etc"…

So what exactly is this 20 years you're claiming?

This is true. Can't learn if I don't try I guess. Thanks for that!

Can't learn if you don't do. And so far, you haven't "done" martial arts, from the looks of things.

And you seem quite presumptuous. I've spoke with 4 mma fighters and have all told me that in a life or death situation aikido will get you killed every time.
Unless you have 60+ years to devote. I do not, but found two fighters who are going to help me. So your semi offensive remark is null. But thanks?

Ha! MMA fights are nothing like "life or death", so how the hell would they know? What experience do they have with Aikido in life and death situations? Who says you need 60 years to be able perform Aikido in a situation?

But most importantly, you have found two "fighters" who are going to help you… help you do what? What are you actually going to be learning from them? Generic fighting skills and martial arts are two rather different things, you know… I mean, if you wanted to learn TKD specifically, how does an MMA guy help? Or if you wanted to learn the intricacies of Hsing-I? Or Iaido? Or, well, anything to do with any form of martial art other than the competitive sport of MMA?
I'll leave the forum with this: my 20 years of "experience" is talking to people, getting into stupid fights and learning from various friends who were ex military or trained tradionally/mma, etc. (From. When I lived in other places), and practicing Tai Chi.
And LOTS of BOOK STUDYING, I misspoke and meant (truthfully) studying and wrote experience not thinking that I would burned at the stake for heresey.
(I love how "forgiving" this forum is when mistakes are made--"burn that lying piece of $#it!").
NEVER did I say I had extensive experience, but I must have implied it, with my error, but experience is experience, to whatever degree.
I want to be trained tradionally but not if the instructors are as quick to judge and mock for my simple error, as has happened to me here. I'm all for criticism, as long as it's productive, not just being a d*ck.
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Bill Mattocks,
Obviously I'm looking for tools to properly learn the martial arts, so why would you prepresume I am claiming to be a master of any kind?
If you see I'm obviously not trained well, why not try to support my quest for knowledge instead of trying to destroy what little confidence I have, and turn me away from the arts and despise the jerks that I'm sure run EVERY school in the world now--Based on this forum as my education of the kind of people who practice martial arts. I'm going to get destroyed for this, I understand.
All I'm saying is try to take a softer approach to your replies, as you don't know everyone's story, I'm sorry to call you out here but needed to say my piece before leaving the group.
I would have liked to had the opportunity to get to know you, and learn from you, but you obviously just think I'm a disgrace to the martial arts, and shouldn't be allowed to learn and ask questions....I'm guessing, correct me if I'm wrong, please!
I want to apologize to you all. I realize I sounded like a know-it-all, and very arrogant. Please understand that's not me. I didn't know it sounded the way it did (I was sick, so it all sounded to me a lot different than how you all read it)
I don't want to make excuses, I'm taking full responsibility for my, let's be honest, immature behavior. I hope you can look past my moment.
Thanks everyone, for everything!
I'll leave the forum with this: my 20 years of "experience" is talking to people, getting into stupid fights and learning from various friends who were ex military or trained tradionally/mma, etc. (From. When I lived in other places), and practicing Tai Chi.
And LOTS of BOOK STUDYING, I misspoke and meant (truthfully) studying and wrote experience not thinking that I would burned at the stake for heresey.
(I love how "forgiving" this forum is when mistakes are made--"burn that lying piece of $#it!").
NEVER did I say I had extensive experience, but I must have implied it, with my error, but experience is experience, to whatever degree.
I want to be trained tradionally but not if the instructors are as quick to judge and mock for my simple error, as has happened to me here. I'm all for criticism, as long as it's productive, not just being a d*ck.

We are all about criticism and judgement. And we like to dog pile the new guy.

No idea why. It happens every time someone has an original thought.
Oh! So this is my kind of place: get criticized randomly and piled on ! :D
Can I fight back? lol

Well thanks for the warm welcome here to MT!
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