I would tend to agree with shesulsa and tshadowchaser - watch the instructors instruct, and see what works best, for which students, and then decide what works for you. Remember that no one lesson will wreck anyone - and you may have just the perspective someone else needs to learn a technique properly. When I have students teach, I change around which student teaches which rank/group, because different people teach different ways, and the explanation that works for one person won't necessarily be the best for another student.
Watch others teach, and then think about what works best for you when someone teaches you - and teach that way. Then ask the student(s) you are teaching what worked and what didn't. Also, don't try to change too many things at once. For example, if you are teaching side kick, and the student needs to correct their foot position, height, and body posture, don't try to change everything at once - pick one thing to work on, and then work on it. When that one thing has improved, then add another... then go back and work on the first thing again, because as soon as you change something, everything else goes right out the window!
The fact that you are so concerned demonstrates that you will be a good instructor - because people who are not worried about messing other people up are not concerned about the quality of their instruction. Keep your sense of humor, and enjoy!