I look up to my teacher a lot.
I respect her and in a lot of ways I hope to one day be as full of knowledge as she.
I know what you are saying yet I want to make sure you understand that I respect my teacher more then anyone would ever know.....
Blue star, I am glad to hear that you have a good relationship with your teacher and respect her so much. She sounds like a wonderful teacher and a positive influence on you.
I was a little offended but it's ok..
I am sorry if I offended you. Sometimes I get a sense of what I believe a student is lacking, or seriously needs as far as redirecting their focus and priorities. I do this with my own students. Occasionally, I use a very abrupt, straight-forward approach which gets right to the heart of the problem. Sometimes I am off on my first hunch, which is easier to have happen on the internet, but I ask the tough questions, and get to the root of the problem.
I have been practicing a lot and I alway get scared when it comes to testing....I always expect to fail for some reason even though I train everyday...... I don't understand why I am that way but I don't think it is helping me much to think in that way at all.
Being scared, nervous, or apprehensive about testing is a common experience for most students. I still have some of these feelings when I test. In time, you learn how to control your emotions, fears, and distractions while still performing at your peek abilities. You will gain confidence in yourself, and testings will get easier to face, even as they become more difficult and challenging.
she said I need to not think so much about the movements because when I think WAY to much I forget what I am doing.. she said "I know to you this sound's a little strange...but don't think about it just do the poomse".... I'm an over thinker...if that makes any sense at all.....
This makes a lot of sense to me. I have had many students who do the same thing. Your instructor is giving you good advice, and you just need to relax and do the techniques with confidence.
My instructor also said I think to low of myself and I need to work on that as well.... it's funny that she said I know the movements because I kept second guessing myself maybe that is the problem...
Remember, you are the product of your instructor multiplied by the number of times you do what your instructor says. More than confidence in yourself, if you have confidence in your instructor, you won't second guess her by second guessing yourself. Don't believe that any failure, or shortcoming on your part will cause you to fall short of her expectations, but that her abilities as a teacher will help you rise to your potential in spite of yourself. In time, you will come to realize that you had it in you all the time, and your instructor simply drew it out to the surface.
I have trouble asking for help...
I sensed this the most, which is why I was so adamant about going to your instructor with these questions.
My teacher said she thinks I will one day make a wonderful teacher and when I heard that I was so happy! I love helping others in class and my teacher seems to expect a lot from me because she knows I REALLY want to teach someday...
I am glad to hear that you desire to teach. Students should jump at the opportunity to be a class leader, or assist instruction any chance they get. We tend to get better ourselves as we teach, and demonstrate the art to others. It takes a better understanding of the subject to teach it rather than to just be a student which makes us try harder. It is difficult to demonstrate how to do techniques and self defense skills to a class of students if you can't perform them well yourself. Teaching puts the pressure on you to look good and know your stuff.
It sounds like you are on the right path, and have a good instructor to guide you! I hope you stick with it, and do well!
CM D.J. Eisenhart
P.S. Thank you, Master Stoker, for your kind words! :asian: