Need some help finding data


Master of Arts
Feb 11, 2007
Reaction score
Houston, TX
My Google-Fu skills are weak today.

I have seen a list of the top 10 types of assaults. I believe it was generated by the FBI with the Uniform Crime Reporting data. I remember items such as a wrist grab, simple punch to the face, etc. However, I will be durned if I can find that list or one similar to it anywhere.

If you have it, or have a link to it, would you mind posting it?

Thanks in advance! <bowing while typing>
The FBI stats won't get you down details within an assault (like punch, kick/ grab, headlock), it must have been a different source.
Here's one for starters;

One person pushes, hands to chest, which is normally followed by the pushee striking first, to the head.
A swinging punch to the head.
A front clothing grab, one handed, followed by punch to the head.
A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a head butt.
A front clothing grab, two hands, followed by a knee to the groin.
A bottle, glass, or ashtray to the head.
A lashing kick to groin/lower legs.
A broken bottle/glass jabbed to face.
A slash with knife, most commonly a 3 to 4" lock blade knife or kitchen utility knife.
A grappling style head lock.
This is based on information supplied by Law Enforcement; instructors will set up scenarios for students that mirror the top 10 street attacks; students will be taught to understand the dynamics of the situation as well as the techniques that can be used to deal with them.

Central London Krav Maga : Tel. 0791 261 6361
That looks a lot like the one I saw. Some different things in it, which is good. Thanks for posting it!
Something to remember, though, is that the most "common assaults" are both culturally and socially influenced&#8230; what's the most common in one country is not necessarily the most common in another. Types of weapons used, the prevalence of group/gang assaults versus smaller-scale, the size of a community, and more can change what's common. Lists such as the one K-Man gave can give an idea&#8230; but you're better off only looking at them for an idea, rather than being definitely applicable to your area. Research should be done as locally as you can.