Need actual help. Truly need some Knowledge / Input...

Hello to whom ever it may concern. Here is the deal : I am having a real ***** of a time 'finding' out WHERE in heck I might find and pay for what I would be inclined to refer to as 'immersion' training for lethal self defense...and I mean absolutely Lethal. And I don't mean 'martial art', I mean more along the lines of 'get it done and kill the guy who is trying to kill YOU' type instruction. I am not a big man, and am not young anymore either. But---I have been lifting wieghts for my entire---life. AND, I am a former pro-mountain biker, so though I am 'thin' and small boned, I'm fairly tough, have built in strength from all my years of athletics, and very good endurance. I don't mind if I have to shell out 5 grand to access an immersion course --so long as it is the REAL DEAL. But I'll be damned if I can't find ANYONE....ANY WHERE who has ANY clue about 'where' I might find such a course. They all just keep trying to point me in the direction of entering into some form of martial art, and I am NOT interested in 'that' approach. More like mastering a brutal and effective use of the basic boot knife, and or, in conjunction with a hand gun, and or even a wooden club or club and knife. ..Just...somebody...does ANY one have clue here about what I am looking for...??? I want to become 'capable' of quickly killing someone who is trying to KILL ME as the way I see it, I don't think that 'reality' as we know it is going to be as 'nice' and 'peaceful' as we are all accustomed to and take for granted for all that much longer, it's just a 'gut' feeling. ..I hope I am wrong of course, but I am adamant to make sure I am one of the people who is damned well READY and RIPE in case the **** hits the to speak. ...Anyone??? And please, don't offer any stupid or wise-crack advice. I'm not in the mood for *** hats. Just someone who might think they know what I might be talking about. I am in the Pacific Northwest, so it would of course be nice if I didn't have to 'fly' to a I do--not--fly anymore thanks to all the *** hats liberal politicized virus horseshit agend etc etc add nausium....

Anyhow, thanks in advance to ANY one who has even a scant TRACE of bona fide, relevant input for me.

Frankly the nearest gun range is what you need.
OP sounds suspiciously like that other dojo hopper character who froze whenever someone tried to hit him.