Need Kenpo Clipart

John Bishop

Master Black Belt
MTS Alumni
Mar 21, 2002
Reaction score
Southern Calif.
I've been looking for some clipart that looks like kenpo. Most of the stuff I've seen is typical karate high kicks, flying kicks etc. Anyone know of a clipart website that has some kenpo looking clipart?

It means you don't need it! Clip art just makes any other professional looking document look tacky; as a rule, you can always do with out it or replace it with some nicer art work!

Well, thanks for your opinion, but I'm looking for something to use for tee shirts.
It's cross training for graphic artists.


Now you've done it Les. You've angered the Kenpo Graphic Artist Gods. I'm sure you will be hearing from Kirk.

Ha ha, Take Care

are you looking for something more cartoony then like this link or do you want something more serious?

what are the t-shirts for? that might give us a better idea of what direction to point you in.

and i think all satan's barber is trying to say is that a lot of clipart looks tacky or unprofessional most of the time. as a designer myself i of course would lean towards custom illustration and design, but i'm natrually biased. :D
Something more street defense oriented like this, but more of a traditional kenpo type technique.