Martial Arts: Clip Artwork


Master Black Belt
Does anyone know of some good sites that have clipart of Martial Arts. I am looking mainly for Jujutsu art. Also maybe looking to buy a CD of martial arts clipart with alot of jujutsu artwork. Most of the artwork I see is flashy kicking and I don't want that.
Bob :D
Art Today Clipart has a ton of martial arts clip art. Unfortunatley you have to buy a membership. But the 1 week member ship is only $8. You could go crazy downloading stuff in that time period. Would be a pretty good deal.

Sakura Martial Arts Supply , also sells CD's with MA clipart. - $19.95 a piece.

Hope that helps.

I found a good site that has Martial arts clip art. It even has Jujutsu/judo art. Here is the site

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