Leg Blocks

He's gettin' a dig in on another prominent Kenpo instructor who goes by the handle "Doc" on this forum. Doc calls his material Sub-Level Four, and the side ways slap fall you wrote about was reminiscent of a Slap Check which Doc teaches in his curriculum.

Doc is Mr. Ron Chapel (just so you know).

Mr. Conatser is only stirring the pot. Ask me about it some time... he calls me weed-hopper every once in a while. (joking of course)

Take Care,
Billy Lear
I think the leg blocks that were initially referred to have probably been used foremost by Muay Thai fighters. There was an MPEG floating around the web that showed what a leg block can do to an attackers leg. It is nasty. If I remember correctly, I think Mr. C had that. Nes pas?

Gary Catherman, Kenpoist.
All I know is that it hurts a lot less to use the leg to check a kick, than it does to use your arm to block the kick. Although I once had a guy do a variation of Itellectual Departure on me. But instead of the arm being used as a deflection, he used a ridge hand strike, thrusting straight into the shin of my kicking leg, which left a hole, almost all the way through to the bone.
Man I can tell you that, that hurts.

:eek: - OUCH
Originally posted by Goldendragon7

Not SL4 with falls now.......


SL4.. nah.. We are all above ground in our EPAK :)

Remember Dennis.. we were Samuari Jiu-jitsu for along time.. Hence the falls :)
Mr. C, remind me to give you an ear full on this one. Chronuss is one of mine. I teach the leg check because u have been using it to great effect for the past 18 years when sparring. Chronuss did not mean any kind of slap check, he was talking about a sideways brake fall. I institute proper falling at a very early level on all of my students, Jiu-Jitsu aside, because , if they do not know how to fall, you will not have then very long.
thank you Sensei for taking my foot outta my mouth...it was up to the ankle.
I broke my right ankle against a leg check once... Apicture of me with the cast on is still hanging in the Pasadena Studio.

Billy Lear
This is the only way we use to defend against low to medium level kick. We don't do something like what EPAK does in deflecting Hammer, Which I believe is for a kick? Also I don't like to use the term block or check. I am trying to drive my knee into their shin as hard as possible and the harder they kick the better.
I do know that is how everyone is meaning how to do the block, check, strike or however you want to describe it.
Bob :D
My instructor in Okinawa-te emphasized leg blocks against kicks. The way we did it was to raise the lead knee, bringing the elbow down as described earlier. However, he stressed that the joint should be relaxed, so there's 'play' in your knee so that when the shin is hit, it can absorb a lot of the impact and lessen the chance of getting a bone snapped.

Driving knees into the shins of people who like long, looping roundhouse kicks is a favorite of mine, as well as front snap kicking someone in the groin when they telegraph their chambers.

Of course, kicking out the support leg is always fun. Not for them, mind you...


Drive leg into their leg before they extended it out. You should end up driving your knee into the side of leg. Now your almost behind them do anything you want.
I almost forgot, you could also do a stop hit. Using a front kick as they get ready to side kick. Step down leg check their's.
For leg-blocking side kicks, I've been able to do an outside crescent kick-like motion using just my knee to hit a person's shin. Luckily, he was a slow kicker.

For front-leg side kicks, I usually don't use leg blocks. If a person seems to rely on the front leg-side kick a lot, I usually bait the kick to my hip area by keeping my guard high, exposing my lower ribs. When the kick comes, I 'scrunch up' that side while driving my elbow down into the shin or side of the knee.

For rear-leg side kicks, I've used a stop kick to the pelvis with pretty good success.

Originally posted by Kempojujutsu

This is the only way we use to defend against low to medium level kick. We don't do something like what EPAK does in deflecting Hammer, Which I believe is for a kick? Also I don't like to use the term block or check. I am trying to drive my knee into their shin as hard as possible and the harder they kick the better.
I do know that is how everyone is meaning how to do the block, check, strike or however you want to describe it.
Bob :D

I think it would be good to learn how to defend against a kick both ways, due to the fact that you might not have really tough legs (knees). It's good to always keep an open mind... although there is nothing wrong with Knee Checks.

Take Care,
We have a kempo principle, that any kick done below the belt line is block or checked with the legs. Anything done above the belt, we block with forearms or elbows. The reason with don't use the down block for a kick. 2 reasons; 1st you have to drop your one hand to block it and that allows them an opening. 2nd is the leg is like a big dump truck and your arms is like VW Bug if they hit the bug does stop the truck, but it is usually destroyed. Yes I may have stop his income kick with my down block but at what cost if I can't use that arm after the block.
Bob :asian: