Need help with elbow pain

Fall of Titan

White Belt
Hi all,

For about a year now I've been suffering from elbow pains. It's on the outside of both elbows, so "tennis elbow". The only physical activities I do are weight lifting and taekwondo. I'm old (over 40), so I don't do anything intense in terms of lifting weights; mostly push-ups, pull-ups, and a variety of machines at the gym.

Because of the pain, I've reduced weight and focused more on proper form and breathing. Sometimes I even avoid full range of motion to reduce strain on joints. I haven't done pull-ups for about 6 months. Now I can't even do push-ups. Just lifting a cup of coffee to my mouth can be slightly painful. It's depressing.

I've been getting treatment for nearly a year, which has included electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and more recently Piezowave (sound wave) therapy once a week. The PT also gave me forearm strengthening exercises. Unfortunately it hasn't helped. I've also done the basics at home like ice, ibuprofen, massage, and rest. In fact, I haven't done any strength training for 16 days now, and the pain seems to have gotten worse!

Since the PT place treats various injuries from various causes, I'm hoping someone can advise on treatment for TKD-specific elbow pain. If you've also suffered from elbow pain, please share what worked for you. Thanks.
Whenever you do something that sparks the pain, start doing it with less intensity.

If it's cumulative over the course of the class, do the whole class with less intensity.
Seconding badhabits (apt username here) thought it might be a punching form issue. Either locking your elbows fully/overextending, or flaring your elbows when you start the punch.

Could you take a video of your punching form and share it? Wouldn't need to be whole body if that's an issue, just getting the shoulder and arm should be fine.
Something to add...I know you mentioned treatment, but looks like that's primarily PT. Have you gotten an MRI? Those tend to be good at figuring out the root cause of elbow pain.

Note: I am not a doctor, and this is advice based on my experiences/those I know with elbow issues. It is not meant to be medical advice or contradict what a doctor has told you
@Badhabits and @Monkey Turned Wolf

Good point about locking out elbows. Since the pain became intolerable, I tried to more conscious about avoiding full extension in poomsae and such, but it could very well be part of the problem.

And good advice about getting an MRI. Since the treatment thus far hasn't really helped, it's probably time for an MRI.
Seconding badhabits (apt username here) thought it might be a punching form issue. Either locking your elbows fully/overextending, or flaring your elbows when you start the punch.

Could you take a video of your punching form and share it? Wouldn't need to be whole body if that's an issue, just getting the shoulder and arm should be fine.

Hi. Here's a video. Pardon the dad bod.

Hi all,

For about a year now I've been suffering from elbow pains. It's on the outside of both elbows, so "tennis elbow". The only physical activities I do are weight lifting and taekwondo. I'm old (over 40), so I don't do anything intense in terms of lifting weights; mostly push-ups, pull-ups, and a variety of machines at the gym.

Because of the pain, I've reduced weight and focused more on proper form and breathing. Sometimes I even avoid full range of motion to reduce strain on joints. I haven't done pull-ups for about 6 months. Now I can't even do push-ups. Just lifting a cup of coffee to my mouth can be slightly painful. It's depressing.

I've been getting treatment for nearly a year, which has included electrical stimulation, ultrasound, and more recently Piezowave (sound wave) therapy once a week. The PT also gave me forearm strengthening exercises. Unfortunately it hasn't helped. I've also done the basics at home like ice, ibuprofen, massage, and rest. In fact, I haven't done any strength training for 16 days now, and the pain seems to have gotten worse!

Since the PT place treats various injuries from various causes, I'm hoping someone can advise on treatment for TKD-specific elbow pain. If you've also suffered from elbow pain, please share what worked for you. Thanks.
Ever have any x-rays or consult with an Orthopedic MD
I‘ve suffered with tennis and golfers elbow for years and tried all sorts of stretching exercises prescribed by PTs. It kept coming back until I happened upon this book.

The evidence presented herein is that the uniform, longitudinal fibre arrangement of healthy tendons becomes random and every-which-way in tendinosis. The exercises and stretches are supposed to remodel the chaotic fibre arrangement of the tendinosis back into a healthy arrangement.


The information/exercises in this book cured me and I avoid it by not gripping so hard when it’s not necessary. I still use one of the exercises in the book (dumbbell eccentric contraction of wrist) as part of my forearm workout.

I also bought and used this tennis elbow brace.

Nobody really knows how they really work but it might be by changing the path length of the affected tendon. They take a bit fiddling with to get in the right place and the right tension, but it brings instant relief and allows pain-free training!

Hope this helps.