need advice.


Yellow Belt
hi everyone,
i have been training in muay thai for the last year and have to sadly move away to a place that does not offer muay thai (close enough to do it).
i will be at the new place for 6 months due to work commitments.
before training in muay thai i did a little Hapkido, not bagging it in anyway i just found the katas to be boring. i know that they have a purpose and are a way of learning just my opinion thats all. our class was heavy in them and only once in a blue moon did we kick a pad or punch.
anyway where i am going has these available, judo, jujitsu and boxing.
i know it is hard to form an opinion from an outsiders point of veiw but i will tell you a little what i am after.
seeing as though it is only 6 months i dont really want to learn only two basics as there is a big chance that i will never have the opportunity to continue the style after i move back.
i like the ideas of judo that i have read, i would like to learn how to use holds and chokes as well as throw and fight on the ground. but do these techniques get taught early on or are they for more advanced students?
jujitsu simialr to judo i like techniques that they use as well, the only thing i am worried about here is the time length as well.
boxing well if the other two have alot of katas i will resort to this but this is more of a safe option in case the 6 months is way too short to learn a few things.
sorry if i have been unclear about anything.
i dont want to be great at whichever i choose as i know that 6 months is a very short time. but i would like to get a few moves out of whichever i choose.
when i go home i will be learning Krav Maga. additionally i will go back to Muay Thai.
Hi Bradtash,

Honestly, go for the boxing. Both Jujutsu and Judo (a variation of Jujutsu, in all honesty) will take a while to "get to grips with" (terrible pun). The majority of your early training will be getting a handle on basic elements of the arts, learning the basic forms of the throws, chokes, etc. If you are talking about BJJ, the same deal. The boxing, however, will at least have similarities to the Muay Thai handwork you are experienced in, and will be far more focused on padwork and drills.

In short, each are good, but your conditions are pushing you towards the boxing. It is your best option out of the ones listed.
Boxing would present the lowest learning curve for you, as another striking art, so if that's where your interest lies, I say go for it.

I don't know, however, if I agree completely with Chris that training for 6 months in Judo or Jiu Jitsu wouldn't be worth your while. 6 months training 3 or 4 times each week in either judo or jiu jitsu and you'd get a good handle on the basics. It's also a heck of a lot of fun. Chris' point is well made, though, in that either of these two grappling arts would be a complete departure from your Muay Thai training.

Just to be clear, there is a big difference between how japanese jujutsu schools train and a brazilian jiu-jitsu school trains. The former will be much more formal and may include kata. Both are unlikely at a BJJ school.
When you talk of Kata I assume you are talking about solo pattern practice because if you ever trained in a way where your teacher said "OK Attacker, come in and throw a left jab and and then a right cross at the face. Defender, step offline as you parry the jab and you..." then you have actually done Kata in the Japanese sense of the word.

All good arts have Kata of that kind, even BJJ. If all you ever did to train was fight, you would only get marginally better because you would not isolate components of skill in your training.

6 months of Judo or Jujutsu might really bring you some new ideas and techniques to mix with your MT.
If you're eventually returning to Muay Thai, then enhancing your boxing skills would also enhance your Muay Thai and keep it sharp for your return.
If you feel your sharp enough with the upper end (boxing part)of your Muay Thai, then I recommend Judo. You WILL learn some good essentials within the 6 month period, so at least you'll leave with some helpful knowledge.


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