Re: My Planned Change


Blue Belt
Well I don't know if I'm posting this in the right section. Or even 100% why I am posting this. I guess it is just to get this out there, and see what people think of this.

I finish at my current Muay Thai school in 2 weeks time. I have decided, after much deliberation, that it is time for me to make a change. I am taking a 3 month break from my current school. Here is my reasoning: 1). I feel I need a break from my current routine, 2). I am interested in improving the 'hands' aspect of my game, 3). I have been dabbling in wrestling over the past few months (as some may know), and would like to commit more time to it, and 4). I need to try these other arts before my commitment to Muay Thai is complete.

The school I plan on going to is very respectable. It is actually an MMA style school. They teach Muay Thai- although it is not as traditional as I am used to. They teach boxing- and have a very reputable coach. They also teach BJJ and wrestling. They also do MMA classes- basically geared towards using all this to fight MMA. This will allow me to work on my boxing a lot more, as well as allow me to do a bit more wrestling, whilst keeping in touch with my Muay Thai. I will be training 6 days a week. I was thinking 2 of each of these 3 styles per week. But I'll assess what I need as I get into it. I haven't committed, however I'm thinking only 3 months? Then re-assess what I need from there?

Anyway, it is good to get off my chest with everyone here. It has been hard. I've copped a bit of flak from those close to me regarding this issue- they don't seem to understand my reasoning. It hasn't been easy- if only because of my relationship with my current trainer. But I am feeling the need to explore, diversify and learn. I need this on my journey- but my non-MA family and friends don't get it.

Has anyone else here toyed with a similar decision to what I am making now? What was the experience like?

Thanks for listening


You've gotta do what you've gotta do. And you need to do it for yourself, not other people. So long as you're happy you're doing it for the right reasons, then go nuts.
Hello, Always trust your intincts on this....what you feel is best for you!

A thousand people may not agree with you.....ONLY YOU ...know what you want!

Trust yourself....go for it! ...easy to follow sheep.....Leaders are the ones who are willing to seek the best for themselves and others....

Can you imagine if people never make changes? .....where would the world be? .....closer to Mars?

We have four seasons a year...this is a good change for many of us...except Hawaii it only snows on the Mauna Kea Mountain...which I see every morning when going to work...IT snow last two weeks ago...lasted only two days before melting.............Aloha

Change? ....always a good thing!
If you need it, then your decision must be to do it. All any of us can say is it's your decision to make and be happy with it no matter who else says differently.

I was happy when I switched mine, I still kept up with my old system/style, but was happier for the switch, but that's just me.

Good luck and do what you feel you have to for you.
You've gotta do what you've gotta do. And you need to do it for yourself, not other people. So long as you're happy you're doing it for the right reasons, then go nuts.

Hello, Always trust your intincts on this....what you feel is best for you!

A thousand people may not agree with you.....ONLY YOU ...know what you want!

Well said..I can add nothing further except keep us posted..
Thank you so much everyone for the support and listening to my thoughts. It is a great place to vent my personal decisions, and get the opinions of others whom share the same passion for the martial arts.

I'm just suffering the 'know I need/want to change' but 'getting scared as it approaches' syndrome!!! LOL. I will keep you guys posted though. It's a bit under 2 weeks now. I'll be doing my first week free, so I'll take it from there. Yet another step on this wondrous journey....


I agree do whats best for you. After all you know you the best and if it helps you develop in other areas it can only be positive.
I am also changing styles after many years. I am starting Shotokan Karate in Jan after nearly 15 years in TKD. It was a hard choice but it's what is best for me and mostly my body. Good luck in whatever you decide to do, just make sure it is, as others have said, is best for you.
I am sure that many who in the past change the art they where studying where some what apprehensive of the move. You know what is expected in the school your in and know if you can do it but a new school with new rules, requirements, ways of doing things, well that can be scary.
If your sure you want to make the move do so nut do not burn any bridges before doing so.
Let us know the final outcome. If you do change keep us informed on how your studies at the new school are going.
my best to you on this
That's it- it is a scary thought. I guess it applies to all areas in ones life where change, especially major changes, are involved. I still haven't spoken to my Kru yet. It is hard- I'm actually really stuck on how to approach him. He's good to me- and hasn't given me any reason to leave. I feel like I'm slapping him in the face by going elsewhere?!?!

Jai- how did you go about telling your teacher?
My best mate and I are heading down to the new club tomorrow night at 6:30pm. I am taking a Muay Thai class. I did sit in on it 2 nights ago, just to check out the training at the club. I feel myself resisting the change a bit...

I'll post up tomorrow night let you all know how I went. At least I've got a good friend with me to ease the 'first class' jitters you get when first starting at a new school...
Okay- here is my update. I went down and took a Muay Thai class tonight at my new school. It was a good workout, although different from what I'm used to. The teacher teaches "dutch muay thai"- a more westernised version of Muay Thai (more movement, more focus on hands etc). I've been taught by Thai's previously and I guess I'm a bit of a traditionalist. But I still learnt lots of new things, and from a different perspective. I guess that is what your martial arts journey is all about- stepping outside your comfort zone and learning from more than just one person. I do believe that this will help my Muay Thai grow- he is a really good and reputable trainer too. He spent a lot of his focus on me, and explained everything really crystal clear.

The one thing that got me was that the session went for 1hr and 15 mins. 1hr of training and 15 mins warmup. Very little stretching. I'm used to classes that run from 2-3 hours. Granted this was probably the reason me and my mate were some of the fittest guys in the class!!! :) Funny though- the class time was still satisfying. We even stayed on and sparred for another 45 minutes to get a bit of extra training in. So very satisfied :)

My next step is to take one of their boxing classes- as one of the main reasons I have wanted to train here is to focus on my hand game. Then I will wean into the wrestling a few times a week again. Although I think I will find it hard to only do 2 nights a week of Muay Thai- I don't want to neglect my primary art, and I have an immense love for my training.

Anyway, I will keep those whom are interested posted as to how I am going as I take the other classes. I will say though, after tonight I am a lot more confident about this decision. It was taking that first step that was the hardest :)

The first step is always the hardest isn't it! Remember, it's the things you don't do that you regret, whatever happens you'll be glad you tried!
Hi everybody

It has been ages since I've posted on here. I've been so busy with training and a new job, life in general has just been hectic. Shame on me for neglecting Martial Talk!!! But I'm gonna make more of an effort to get involved again!!!

I thought it would be perfect to reopen this thread to touch base again- considering I have been through many changes since we last conversed!!!

As some of you will know I left my school and changed schools. I have now moved back (about a month ago) to my old school. Muay Thai is for me- I love the style, and I love the way that the Thai's train!!! However- I haven't abandoned the other school (which is an MMA gym- it was allowing me to do MT, boxing and wrestling). Now I go there once a week only- to do a boxing class and then an MMA class. I just started taking the MMA class last week (and it's hurting- my throat is sore as I type this). Tricky stuff- submission work is a first for me.

BTW- I'm still doing the boxing- because I've decided that my hands are still pretty sucky....

I look forward to speaking to everybody soon again :)
We all must make decission about what is best for each of us, best of luck and let us know how it works out for you.

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